




黄金科学技术 ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (2): 76-82.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2015.02.076

• 采选技术与矿山管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 武警黄金第九支队,海南  海口   571127
  • 收稿日期:2014-08-10 修回日期:2014-11-03 出版日期:2015-04-30 发布日期:2015-08-06
  • 作者简介:汤运涛(1976-),男,河南唐河人,工程师,从事测绘工程应用研究工作。

Application of the GNSS Technology in Control Survey of Mine Area

TANG Yuntao   

  1. No.9 Gold Geological Party of CAPF,Haikou   571127,Hainan,China
  • Received:2014-08-10 Revised:2014-11-03 Online:2015-04-30 Published:2015-08-06


GNSS包括GPS、GLONASS、GALILEO和BDS四大卫星定位系统,研究发现相比单一的GPS定位系统,GNSS多星系统在定位精度、系统可靠性及安全性方面具有明显优势。在介绍多星座组合导航算法及系统定位原理的基础上,结合中海达V30接收机在控制网设计及控制点位布设方面的灵活性,阐述了GNSS技术在广东省阳山县某矿区控制测量中的实际应用情况。HGO软件在内业数据处理各环节的操作表明,HGO解算的数据成果精度大幅提升,点位平面中误差由原来的16.3 mm提高到4.78 mm。同时,GNSS技术在矿区控制测量中能克服地形复杂及植被覆盖区带来的不利影响,有效提高作业效率,从而达到理论技术指导生产的目的。

关键词: HGO软件, GNSS多星系统, 控制网, 矿区测量, 广东省


The GNSS technology predominately includes four global positioning systems,namely,the GPS, GLONASS,GALILEO as well as BDS.The results presented that the GNSS multi-satellite system had significant advantages in positioning accuracy,system reliability and safety compared with the single GPS positioning system.On the basis of introducing more integrated navigation algorithm and positioning principle,combined flexibility of the Hi-Target V30 receiver in the aspect of control network design and the control point layout,we described the application of the GNSS technology in control survey at a mine area in Yangshan county,Guangdong Province.Operation of each section of the data processing with the HGO software demonstrated that precision of the data calculated by the HGO was enhanced greatly,meanwhile,error in point plane improved from 16.3 mm to 4.78 mm as well.In addition,the GNSS technology used in mine area control survey can overcome the negative influence of the complex terrain and vegetation coverage,and improve the working efficiency,and finally aim to guide the production with the theory of technology.

Key words: HGO software, GNSS multi-satellite system, control network, mine survey, Guangdong Province


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