




黄金科学技术 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (4): 511-519.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2018.04.511

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  1. 1 中南大学资源与安全工程学院,湖南省深部金属矿开发与灾害控制重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410083
    2吉林东北亚国际工程技术集团有限公司,吉林 长春 130000
  • 收稿日期:2018-04-06 修回日期:2018-07-20 出版日期:2018-10-10 发布日期:2018-10-17
  • 作者简介:谷中元(1979-),男,博士研究生,高级工程师,从事采矿工艺和充填理论研究工作。
  • 基金资助:

Study on Time-Variant Mechanics Properties of Shallow Goaf Group Based on Creep Experiment

Zhongyuan GU1,2(),Keping ZHOU1   

  1. 1 Hunan Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources Exploitation and Hazard Control for Deep Metal Mines,School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,Hunan,China
    2Jilin Northeast Asia International Engineering Technology Group Co.,Ltd, Changchun 130000,Jilin,China
  • Received:2018-04-06 Revised:2018-07-20 Online:2018-10-10 Published:2018-10-17


空区结构力学特性随时间发生劣化是导致地表塌陷和空区坍塌的重要因素之一。以古马岭金矿浅埋空区群为研究对象,结合矿岩的压缩蠕变试验获取了围岩蠕变模型,利用数值模拟方法研究了该空区群结构时变力学特性。结果显示:矿岩的蠕变力学特性可用Cvisc模型加以描述;空区群形成后,地表岩体和围岩内部的应力和位移均随时间推移而发生变化,表现出显著的时变力学特性;空区群顶板下沉位移随时间加速增长,且中部采空区顶板位移最大,第5年时已达0.24 m,表明采空区顶板会随着时间发展而逐渐坍塌;矿柱两侧均出现随时间增大的横向变形,表面围岩逐渐片落,导致矿柱不断变窄,可能引起空区群发生大规模破坏;地表围岩形成以空区群中部为中心的塌陷区域,且塌陷深度和范围均随时间加速增长,在第5年时达到0.21 m,需要采取措施进行空区治理。

关键词: 空区群, 时变力学, 蠕变试验, 地表塌陷, 顶板下沉, 矿柱破坏


One of important factors that lead to ground and goaf collapse is the mechanical properties deterioration of shallow goaf group through time.Taking the shallow goaf group in Gumaling gold mine as an example,the creep model of the surrounding rock was obtained from rock creep test,and the time-variant mechanics properties of the shallow goaf group was analyzed by using numerical simulation method.The results show that the creep mechanical properties of the rock can be described by Cvisc model.After the goaf group is formed,the stress and displacement of ground rock mass and surrounding rock will change over time,showing significant time-variant mechanical characteristics.The roof displacement of the goaf group increases over time.The largest displacement is in the central goaf group,and the displacement is 0.24 m at the fifth year,indicating that the roof of goaf group will gradually collapse.The lateral deformation at two sides of pillar increases with time.Due to the surface failure of surrounding rock,the pillar continually narrows down,leading to the large-scale destruction of the goaf group.The ground forms a subsidence area centered on the central part of goaf group.The depth and extent of subsidence area increase with time,reaching 0.21 m at the fifth year. Some measures should be taken to protect the goaf group.

Key words: goaf group, time-varying mechanics, creep test, ground collapse, roof subsidence, pillar failure


  • TD851





蠕变应力/MPa 起始应变值/% 稳定应变值/% 蠕变应变/%
24.486 1.425 1.5638 0.1388
48.972 1.802 1.9019 0.0999
73.458 2.125 2.2678 0.1428
97.944 2.454 2.5043 0.0503
122.430 2.828 2.9168 0.0888



试件 高度/mm 直径/mm 蠕变抗压强度/MPa 蠕变系数
A1 99.43 49.52 123.521 0.841
A2 100.22 48.65 111.844 0.761
A3 99.78 48.79 119.249 0.812



试件 E M /GPa η M /(GPa·s) E K /GPa η K /(GPa·s)
平均值 4.52 4.07×108 62.93 1.61×103
A1 4.17 5.39×108 62.45 1.58×103
A2 4.51 2.16×108 62.72 1.28×103
A3 4.87 4.67×108 63.61 1.98×103




矿山数值模拟模型 (a)整体计算模型;(b)模型剖面图"



材料 弹性模量/GPa 泊松比 内聚力/MPa 内摩擦角/(°) 抗拉强度/MPa
矿体 14.3 0.30 6.94 44.96 0.7
围岩 19.8 0.31 7.60 40 1.5


静力分析结果 (a)回采结束应力云图;(b)回采结束位移云图"




顶板应力及位移变化 (a)顶板第5年最大主应力;(b)顶板最大主应力曲线;(c)顶板竖向位移曲线"


矿柱应力及位移变化 (a)矿柱水平位移变化云图;(b)矿柱最大水平位移曲线;(c)矿柱最大剪应力曲线"


地表位移变化图 (a)第5年地表水平位移云图;(b)地表水平位移曲线;(c)地表竖向位移曲线"



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