




黄金科学技术 ›› 2019, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (4): 598-608.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.04.598

• 采选技术与矿山管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 江西理工大学矿业贸易与投资研究中心,江西 赣州 341000
    2. 中国科学技术大学管理学院,安徽 合肥 230026
    3. 赣州市农业利用外资办公室,江西 赣州 341000
  • 收稿日期:2019-05-12 修回日期:2019-07-02 出版日期:2019-08-31 发布日期:2019-08-19
  • 通讯作者: 文唯;
  • 作者简介:郑明贵(1978-),男,安徽颍上人,教授,博士生导师,从事资源经济研究工作。
  • 基金资助:

A Project Risk Evaluation Model for Overseas Mining Projects’ Mergers and Acquisitions

Minggui ZHENG1,2(),Wei WEN3(),Xin YANG1   

  1. 1. Research Center of Mining Trade & Investment,Jiangxi University of Science and Technology,Ganzhou 341000,Jiangxi,China
    2. The School of Management,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,Anhui,China
    3. Ganzhou Agricultural Foreign Investment Office,Ganzhou 341000,Jiangxi,China
  • Received:2019-05-12 Revised:2019-07-02 Online:2019-08-31 Published:2019-08-19
  • Contact: Wei WEN;



关键词: 海外矿山并购, 项目风险, 三角模糊数, 粗糙集, 云物元


Identified the project risks of transnational mining M&A,and established an evaluation index system including four grade Ⅰ indexes and eleven grade Ⅱ indexes,which was applied to a case,and the evaluation results are consistent with the fact.Thus,it provides a more scientific evaluation standard for the project risk evaluation of transnational mining M&A.It is known that risk identification is very important to establish a project risk evaluation index system,index grading is the basis which should be considered according to the data issued by the authority and the accepted classification rules,and the number of qualitative indexes should be reduced to make the results more objective.A TFN-RS empowerment model was established,that is,using the triangular fuzzy number theory to determine the subjective weights,using rough set theory to determine the objective weights,which solves the existing problem of single subjective or objective empowerment,so that the weight empowerment is more scientific.It is shown that the weights of the geological resource conditions and the economic benefit conditions are relatively larger,29.79% and 29.82%,respectively.Therefore,in the process of transnational mining M&A,obtaining resources and economic benefits are the main motives.In terms of grade Ⅱ indexes,the service life,infrastructure and internal rate of return are the most important indexes.This paper established a project risk evaluation model for transnational mining M&A based on the cloud and matter-element theory,which can better solve the fuzzy problems of the risk level’s boundary division and quantitatively evaluate each project risk level.It is conducive to the further identification of risk factors and the development of risk control strategies.Applied the established risk evaluation model into a case,it shows that the combination of TFN-RS model and the cloud matter-element model is one of the effective methods to evaluate the project risks of transnational mining M&A.It showed that the mining technology conditions and the geological resource conditions of the project are in a “lower” risk level,the external construction conditions are in a “general” risk level,the economic benefit conditions are in a “low” risk level,and the project risk level is in a “lower” risk level.But the potentiality of mineral resources,the engineering geological conditions and the infrastructure are in a “high” risk level,which are the main project risk sources.General recommendations are as follows.Before transnational mining M&A,enterprises should do their due diligence and collect detailed data as much as possible.Decision criteria is as fallow:If the evaluation result is in a “high” risk level or above,it should be carefully decided or even directly rejected; If the evaluation result is in a “general” risk level or below,it should be treated differently,that is,carefully analyze the grade Ⅱ indexes and pay particular attention to some extreme indexes which may bring forward risks,and then estimate their possibility and scopes from the view of evading or reducing risks in the future,and then make further decisions.Corresponding risk control strategies should be made after the M&A and should also be adjusted while implementation so that the operational risks can be reduced and a good success rate can be got.

Key words: overseas mining projects’ M&A, project risk, triangular fuzzy number, rough set theory, the cloud and matter-element model


  • F416.1



二级风险指标 水文地质条件 工程地质条件 环境地质条件 服务年限/a 矿产资源潜力/% 矿石品位/% 基础设施 气候条件(开采天数)/d 投资总额/% 内部收益率/% 投资回收期/a
0.1 简单型 简单型 简单型 ≥25 >200 >250 >330 ≤0 >25 ≤3
0.3 [20,25) (150,200] (200,250] 较好 (300,330] (0,20] (20,25] (3,5]
0.5 中等型 中等型 中等型 [15,20) (100,150] (150,200] 一般 (270,300] (20,40] (15,20] (5,7]
0.7 [5,15) (50,100] (100,150] 较差 (240,270] (40,60] (10,15] (7,9]
0.9 复杂型 复杂型 复杂型 <5 (0,50] (50,100] (210,240] (60,80] (5,10] (9,11]
1.0 ≤50 ≤210 >80 ≤5 >11



风险等级 等级范围 风险等级 等级范围
0~0.2 较高 0.6~0.8
较低 0.2~0.4 0.8~1.0
一般 0.4~0.6



目标层 一级风险指标 二级风险指标 风险因素度量

矿床开采技术条件K 1


水文地质条件K 11 按照《矿区水文地质工程地质勘探规范》 (GB12719-91)划分标准度量
工程地质条件K 12 按照《矿区水文地质工程地质勘探规范》 (GB12719-91)划分标准度量
环境地质条件K 13 按照《矿区水文地质工程地质勘探规范》 (GB12719-91)划分标准度量
地质资源条件K 2 服务年限K 21 特大、大、中、小
矿产资源潜力K 22 远景储量/基础储量
矿石品位K 23 矿石平均品位/工业品位
外部建设条件K 3 基础设施K 31 矿区内外部交通运输、水电供应等条件
气候条件K 32 年设计开采天数
经济效益条件K 4 投资总额K 41 (投资总额/投资概算)-1
内部收益率K 42 IRR(内部收益率)
投资回收期K 43 Pt (动态投资回收期)





一级风险指标 一级指标权重 二级风险指标 二级指标权重
主观 客观 组合 主观 客观 组合
K 1 0.1912 0.2105 0.2008 K 11 0.3962 0.4128 0.4045
K 12 0.2921 0.2937 0.2929
K 13 0.3117 0.2935 0.3026
K 2 0.3044 0.2913 0.2979 K 21 0.4925 0.4011 0.4468
K 22 0.2123 0.2120 0.2121
K 23 0.2952 0.3869 0.3411
K 3 0.2086 0.1976 0.2031 K 31 0.6535 0.5986 0.6261
K 32 0.3465 0.4014 0.3739
K 4 0.2958 0.3006 0.2982 K 41 0.2543 0.3639 0.3091
K 42 0.4389 0.4306 0.4348
K 43 0.3068 0.2055 0.2561



案例 K 11 K 12 K 13 K 21 K 22 K 23 K 31 K 32 K 41 K 42 K 43
案例1 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.3 1.0 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.1 1.0
案例2 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 1.0
案例3 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3
案例4 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.3
案例5 0.9 0.5 0.1 0.7 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.3



指标 指标情况 风险值
K 11 矿体多赋存于当地侵蚀基准面以下,矿床主要以裂隙水含水层充水为主,主要含水层富水性弱,矿体发育地段附近发育有大小不一的多条断裂破碎带,带内岩石多见有硅质充填,含导水性较差,受采掘破坏影响的孔隙、裂隙、溶隙含水层补给水源较少,根据《矿区水文地质工程地质勘探规范》,矿区为水文地质条件简单的矿床 0.1
K 12 矿区地层岩性较简单,地质构造较发育,岩石风化作用中等,矿体主要赋存于变质岩中,矿体围岩属坚硬岩组,稳固性较好;区内近地表地段岩石风化较强烈,风化岩石力学强度相对较差,易产生工程地质问题,需要进行防护;区内构造较发育,局部地段由于构造的影响,容易产生工程地质问题,根据《矿区水文地质工程地质勘探规范》,目标矿山为中等类型的工程地质条件 0.5
K 13 矿区存在少量废石堆积区,废石与矿石的化学性质比较稳定,对周边地质环境影响不大。目前,矿区尚未发生较大规模的坍塌和滑坡等地质灾害,地形地貌未发生改变,区内未发现重大的污染源,以及热、气害异常,放射性本底值较低,地表水、地下水水质较好,其他环境地质隐患也未发现;具有较好的地壳稳定性。根据《矿区水文地质工程地质勘探规范》,目标矿山为简单类型的环境地质条件 0.1
K 21 25 a 0.1
K 22 矿石远景储量1.818亿吨,基础储量1.68亿吨,二者比值为108.2% 0.5
K 23 矿石品位为1.41%,最低工业品位为0.5%,二者比值为282% 0.1
K 31 卢安夏市与首都卢萨卡、铜矿带、临近城镇之间有公路相连接;恩多拉市(距离矿区30 km)有国际国内航班通达世界各主要城市但航距较远;位于南非的德班港(距离矿区2 600 km)和位于坦桑尼亚的达累斯萨拉姆港(距离矿区2 100 km)有公路和坦赞铁路到达赞比亚;矿区水电能源设施供应相对比较齐全。总体来看,矿区基础设施条件一般 0.5
K 32 矿区年平均气温18~20 ℃,温和凉爽,属热带草原气候,年设计开采天数为330 d 0.1
K 41 投资:6 200万美元 预算:5 180万美元,超预算19.7% 0.3
K 42 23.02% 0.3
K 43 3.44 a 0.3



一级风险指标 较低 一般 较高 风险等级
K 1 0.7071 0.0637 0.2929 0.0188 0.0000 低风险
K 2 0.7879 0.0639 0.2121 0.0136 0.0000 低风险
K 3 0.3739 0.0632 0.6261 0.0401 0.0000 一般风险
K 4 0.0629 1.0000 0.0638 0.0000 0.0000 较低风险
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