




黄金科学技术 ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (4): 465-478.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2020.04.083

• 矿产勘查与资源评价 •    下一篇



  1. 1.中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所,自然资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室,北京 100037
    2.自然资源实物地质资料中心,河北 廊坊 065201
  • 收稿日期:2020-04-30 修回日期:2020-05-20 出版日期:2020-08-31 发布日期:2020-08-27
  • 作者简介:江思宏(1968-),男,安徽肥西人,研究员,博士生导师,从事金属矿床成矿规律研究工作。
  • 基金资助:

Distribution Characteristics of Gold Deposits in Africa and Exploration Suggestions

Sihong JIANG1(),Lili ZHANG1,Yifei LIU1,Gaofeng LI1,Genyuan JI1,2   

  1. 1.MNR Key Laboratory of Metallogeney and Mineral Assessment,Institute of Mineral Resources,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037,China
    2.Cores and Samples Center of Natural Resources,Langfang 065201,Hebei,China
  • Received:2020-04-30 Revised:2020-05-20 Online:2020-08-31 Published:2020-08-27



关键词: 金矿床, 造山型, 砾岩型, 分布特征, 勘查建议, 非洲


Africa is the most important gold producing area in the world,and one of the hot spots to attract gold exploration investment as well.Based on the systematic collection and processing of the advances of the previous research on typical gold deposits and regional metallogenesis in the African continent,the spatial and temporal distribution of gold deposits in the African continent is summarized briefly in this article,which made the achievements below.The African continent consists mainly of four ancient cratons (i.e.Kalahari Craton,West Africa Craton,Congo Craton,and Sahara Meta-Craton) and Neoproterozoic orogenic belts developed around these cratons,as well as some Mesozoic basins developed on the cratons.The gold deposits predominantly occur in the ancient craton,especially in the Kalahari Craton in southern Africa and West African Craton in north-western Africa,where are the world famous gold producing areas.A small proportion of gold deposits are distributed in the Neoproterozoic orogenic belts,such as the Nubian Shield,and other Pan-African orogenic belts.There are many types of gold deposits in African,including conglomerate,orogenic,VMS,intrusion-related,porphyry,epithermal and IOCG types,with the former two being the most important types.The ore-forming age of gold deposits in Africa is mainly concentrated in three periods,i.e.Archean,Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic.The enrichment of huge-sized conglomerate-type gold deposits in the Witwatersrand Basin of South Africa may be mainly related to their paleo-sedimentary environment,i.e.the alluvial braided river plain,while the gold enrichment in West African Craton,as the most important Paleoproterozoic gold region in the world,mainly attributes to the large amount of carbonaceous in the strata.Although many world-class gold deposits have been found in the African continent,their prospecting potential remains significant,especially in the search for orogenic gold deposits,as both the ancient craton and the Neoproterozoic orogenic belt occurring around the craton are favorable tectonic environments for the formation of orogenic gold deposits.For the gold exploration in the African continent,it is suggested that not only pay much attention to the deep prospecting of discovered gold deposits,but also to searching for the semi-buried and buried deposits,especially in the shallow covered areas of West African Craton and Congo Craton.By means of advanced geophysical,geochemical and remote sensing,the breakthrough of gold prospecting is expected.

Key words: gold deposit, orogenic type, conglomerate type, distribution characteristics, exploration suggestion, Africa


  • P618.51


非洲大陆的主要构造单元[36]DM-Damara造山带;GP-Gariep造山带;LF-卢菲里安褶皱带;MA-Mauretanides造山带;NS-努比亚地盾;MB-Mozambique造山带;RB-Rokelides造山带;SD-Saldania造山带;WC-West Congo造山带;ZB-Zambezi造山带"


兰德盆地地质简图和金矿田分布图[11]1.金矿田(①-Evander;②-East Rand;③-Central Rand;④-West Rand;⑤-South Deep;⑥-Western Areas;⑦-Carletonville;⑧-Klerksdorp;⑨-Welkom);2.断层;3.Central Rand群(属兰德超群);4.West Rand群(属兰德超群);5.Dominion群;6.太古宙花岗岩;7.太古宙绿岩"


西非克拉通主要金矿床分布简图(据文献[21,53]修改)①-Eglab构造单元;②-Yetti构造单元;③-Daomeyan构造单元;④-Baoulé-Mossi构造单元;⑤-Kenema-Man构造单元;⑥-Kédougou-Kénébia Inlier构造单元;⑦-Rokelides构造单元;⑧-Bassarides构造单元;⑨-Mauritanides构造单元;1.晚于古元古代岩石;2.泛非/华力西期构造带;3.古元古代岩石;4.太古宙岩石;5.西非克拉通推测界线;6.金矿床"


西非克拉通金资源量大于100 t的主要金矿床[21]"

矿床名称国家矿石量 /(×106 t)金品位 /(×10-6金资源量 /t
Obuasi加纳197.345.791 143.2
Batie West-Konkera布基纳法索59.21.76104.1
Banfora Group布基纳法索105.61.3142.3




坦桑尼亚克拉通金矿床分布图(据文献[15,22]修改)超级地体(由北向南):ELVST-East Lake Victoria;MLEST-Mwanza-Lake Eyasi;LNST-Lake Nyanza;MMST-Moyowosi-Manyoni;绿岩带:SU-Sukumaland绿岩带;NZ-Nzega绿岩带;SM-Shynianga-Malita绿岩带;IS-Iramba-Sekenke绿岩带;KF-Kilimafedha绿岩带;MM-Musoma-Mara绿岩带;1.现代火山岩;2.新近纪火山岩;3.元古宙活动带;4.太古宙花岗岩和片麻岩;5.太古宙绿岩带;6.超级地体界线;7.金矿床(年产金约0.5×106盎司);8.金矿点"

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