




J4 ›› 2000, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (1): 17-22.

• 矿产勘查 • 上一篇    下一篇


 杨金中, 深远超, 曾庆栋   

  1. 中国科学院地质研究所
  • 收稿日期:1999-03-30 修回日期:1999-06-07 出版日期:2000-02-28 发布日期:2010-03-01
  • 基金资助:

    中国科学院黄金“九五”重大资助项目(KZ951-A1-404 0202)

Orderly rule of space distribution of mineraljzati0n and location prediction of orebody

YANG Jinzhong,SHEN Yuanchao,CENG Qiangdong   

  1. Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Science
  • Received:1999-03-30 Revised:1999-06-07 Online:2000-02-28 Published:2010-03-01


以山东乳山地区石英脉型金矿为例,探讨了一些矿化空间有序性规律在矿体定位预测中的应用,乳山地区石英脉型金矿可分为乳山式和铜I岭式2种类型。其中乳山式金矿分布于4条陡倾的NNE向左行右阶式压扭性断裂带上,矿体定位受NNE及NE向断裂的联合控制,具NNE向成带、NE向成行的特点,沿同一控断裂带上分布的相邻金矿床,其矿体侧伏方向是相反的 利用这种矿化空间分布的有序性规律,在老青—小青地区发现了金矿体。在矿体数学特征研究方面,根据初家沟金矿一号矿体的品位和厚度变化趋势分析。研究并发现了采空区下部的隐伏矿体。

关键词: 矿化空间分布, 有序性, 矿体定位预测, 脉状金矿


The application of the orderly rule of mineralization space distribution in the location prediction of orebody with the exam ple in Rushan region is discussed.The gold mineralization in Rushan can be diveded into two types,Rushan type and Tongling Type,and the former is the main one.Rushan-type of gold minralization are mainly distributed in fourNNE-striked which manifest feature of left-lateral and right stepover,the gold bodies of the adjacent gold deposits distributed in the same fault show opposite direction of dip trend.The gold deposits occurred within four left-lateral and right stepover faults have the features of zoning in NNE extendlng and rowing in NE-striked.NNE and NE-striked faults jointly controlled the position of the gold deposits.The edges of the tortuous segments of the left-lateraland right stepover fault,are the favorable areas of searching large gold deposits.Tongling-type gold minora[ization are controlled by the intrusive body structures formed in the course of Sanfushan porphyritic monzonitic granite intrusives.W e also give an example of the use of mathcmatical characteristics of the main orebody in Chujiagou Gold Deposit.

Key words: minetalization space distribution, orderly rule, location prediction of orebody, quartz vein gold deposits

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