




J4 ›› 2000, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (1): 37-40.

• 技术前沿 • 上一篇    下一篇


 牟振山1, 张连军1, 王宝冶1, 王坤儒2   

  • 出版日期:2000-02-28 发布日期:2010-03-01

Study and application of Clean blasting techniques

 MOU  Zhen-Shan1, ZHANG  Lian-Jun1, WANG  Bao-Ye1, WANG  Kun-Ru2   

  1. 1.Hexi Gold M ine Zhao Yuan City Shandong;2.Maan shah Research Institute of Mining M.M.I Anhui
  • Online:2000-02-28 Published:2010-03-01


“爆破”是目前岩体工程开挖的主要手段,也是“粉尘”、“有毒有害气体”的产生源。如何发挥“爆破”的优势.降低爆破公害,是研究“清洁爆破技术 的目的。阐述了爆破公害所带来的危害详述了“清洁爆破技术”降低公害原理及 HTO 袋的制作”、“WZP液荆的配制”等工艺技术,介绍了爆破技术的装药结构及应用测试数据,以及技术效果,经济、社会效益等,肯定了该技术的作用和先进性。

关键词: 清洁爆破技术研究, 应用, HTO袋, WZP液剂


“Blast”is the m ain means of the excavation of rock engineering at present,at same time,it is the souyce of‘’Powder”and “Poisonous and harmful gas”.How to expert its superiority and reduee its public harm is the purpose to study Clean blasting technigues”.auther expound the harm to bring blasting public harm ,and detailed the principle of reducing public harm to make use of‘ Clean blasting techniques and the means of making HTO dag and the prescription of ‘WZP liguid drug,introduced this blasting techniques construction of filling drug and used determine dala。and technical result.and economical and socialbenefit to affirm its function and advanced techniques.

Key words: Clean Blast, Study Application  

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