




J4 ›› 2005, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (03): 7-16.

• 地质·矿床 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘善宝1, 2张宝林1,徐兴旺1 ,王杰1 ,蔡新平1,陈雁3 ,宋保昌1,祁民1   

  1. 1. 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 北京, 100029;     
    长安大学, 西安710054;

    3. 山东金洲矿业集团, 乳山, 264501  

  • 收稿日期:2004-12-23 修回日期:2005-02-19 出版日期:2005-06-28 发布日期:2012-03-16
  • 作者简介:刘善宝(1970-)男,工程师,在读硕士生,主要从事成矿规律与成矿预测.
  • 基金资助:

    国家重点基础研究规划项目课题资助(编号2002CB713902) .

The Localizing Mechanism of Ore-Forming Fluids in the Jinqingding Gold Deposit

LIU Shanbao1, 2, ZHANG Baolin1, XU X ingwang1, WANG Jie,CA I X inp ing1, CHEN Y an3, SONG Baochang1, Q IMin1   

  1. 1.Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing  100029, China;

    2.Changa'n University,Shanxixian,710054,China;

    3. Jinzhou Mines Group,Rushan,Shandong264501,China

  • Received:2004-12-23 Revised:2005-02-19 Online:2005-06-28 Published:2012-03-16


综合评述了金青顶金矿矿化分带、成矿年龄、流体包裹体以及深部采矿露头新资料。经过详细的观察, 确认了一批流体成矿构造证据。结合不同赋存标高上的成矿元素、矿物组合、流体包裹体的温度、压力和成分的分布特征, 提出了该矿床新的成矿流体定位机理: 该矿床是由一期中高温高压成矿流体经降温降压侵入定位、形成成矿流体的固结外壳后, 再经未固结的残余流体发生第二次内爆沸腾、快速降温降压固结的产物。金成矿作用发生在两期流体与围岩作用阶段: (1) 深部以金为主的降温降压结晶固结, ( 2)浅部金—金属隐爆结晶固结, 从而导致金青顶金矿的矿化分带现象。对于矿体分带规律的新认识, 有助于指导该区区域成矿规律研究和深部找矿工作。

关键词: 金青顶金矿, 成矿流体, 空间定位


The new data of metal logenicepochs,the zoning of the mine ralization ,fluid inclusions and deep mining outcrops in the Jinqingding gold deposit have been reviewed comprehensively.Through the detailed observation,a group of fluid metallogenic structural evidence has been confirmed.In combination with the distribution character istics of metallogenic elements, mineral associations,fluid inclusions with their trapping temperatures, pressures and compositions at different elevations,the paper proposes the new localizing mechanism of ore-forming fluids in the deposit.The ore-forming fluids with medium-high temperatures mainly originated from the magma.The deposit was the product of secondary crypto explosion, boiling,rapid dropping of pressure and temperature of un solidified relict fluids which derived from the primary ore-forming fluids of medium-high temperature and high pressure at one epoch which invaded,localized at the depth and formed the solidified crust after the first dropping of temperature and pressure.It seems that gold mineralization happened in two stages o f flu id - host rock interaction:( 1)dominant gold crystallization and solidification in the depth after the dropping of temperatures and pressures;( 2) gold and multiple metal crystallization and solidification at shallow parts after the cryto explosion. Consequently, the Jinqingding deposit possess the zoning features of metallogeny. The new know ledge o f ore body zoning metallogeny helps to direct regional mineralization regularity studies and deep prospecting work in the district.

Key words: Jinqingd ing gold deposit, metallogenic fluid, spatial localization


  • P612

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