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  • 赵鹤飞 ,
  • 杨洪英* ,
  • 张勤 ,
  • 佟琳琳 ,
  • 金哲男 ,
  • 陈国宝
  • 东北大学冶金学院,辽宁 沈阳 110819

收稿日期: 2017-07-10

  修回日期: 2017-08-24

  网络出版日期: 2018-05-19


国家自然科学基金项目“含砷复杂金矿细菌氧化矿物界面能及其作用机制的基础研究”(编号:U1608254)和 “难浸含砷金矿细菌氧化过程中[AsS]2-→As(Ⅲ)→As(Ⅴ)转化机理研究”(编号:51374066)联合资助

Research Status of Factors Influence on Leaching of Gold with Thiosulfate

  • ZHAO Hefei ,
  • YANG Hongying ,
  • ZHANG Qin ,
  • TONG Linlin ,
  • JIN Zhenan ,
  • CHEN Guobao
  • Northeastern University,Shenyang    110819,Liaoning,China

Received date: 2017-07-10

  Revised date: 2017-08-24

  Online published: 2018-05-19




赵鹤飞 , 杨洪英* , 张勤 , 佟琳琳 , 金哲男 , 陈国宝 . 硫代硫酸盐浸金各因素影响研究现状[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2018 , 26(1) : 105 -114 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2018.01.105


Thiosulfate leaching technology has become the focus of research and development of non-cyanide gold leaching technology.Especially,the copper-ammonia-thiosulfate system has been studied in-depth and long-term,because of the advantages of leaching fast,environmental friendly,less corrosive alkaline and suitable treatment of refractory ore with arsenic or carbon.There are many factors could impact on the leaching process and leaching results greatly.Such as,the type of thiosulfate,the capacity of common mineral adsorption,catalytic and decomposition,ion release in minerals,the dissolution of heavy metal ions,anion participation in the reaction process,leaching process and gold leaching effect.The impact of the various factors on the leaching process were summarized in this paper,which could be conducive to the development and improvement of thiosulfate leaching of gold.In leaching process,the type of thiosulfate salts was determined to treat different types of minerals,and different gold bearing minerals show different abilities of adsorption,dissolution and catalytic decomposition.At the same time,the effect of heavy metallic ions released by minerals on gold dissolution strongly depended on the type of ion and concentrations.Anions from reagents,the decomposition of thiosulfate and other aspects,show completely different effects on the leaching system.By adding phosphates,EDTA,CMC and other additives can improve the leaching environment and eliminate adverse effects.

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