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  • 刘诗鹏 ,
  • 殷传印 ,
  • 胡挺 ,
  • 邱天
  • 山东黄金地质矿产勘查有限公司,山东 莱州 261400

收稿日期: 2017-08-28

  修回日期: 2017-12-26

  网络出版日期: 2018-05-19

Study on the Hydrochemical Characteristics and Its Changes in the Deep Groundwater of Jiaojia Fault Belt

  • LIU Shipeng ,
  • YIN Chuanyin ,
  • HU Ting ,
  • QIU Tian
  • Shandong Gold Geology and Mineral Resources Co.,Ltd.,,Laizhou    261400,Shandong,China

Received date: 2017-08-28

  Revised date: 2017-12-26

  Online published: 2018-05-19


焦家断裂带位于龙(口)莱(州)断裂带的南段,为胶西北地区三大著名的金成矿带之一,分布有新城、焦家、寺庄和马塘等多个大中型金矿。为研究焦家断裂带深部水化学特征及其变化规律,选取了焦家断裂带上多个矿区的抽水试验孔的深部地下水水样13个,对这13个水样进行常规阴阳离子含量统计分析,并对焦家断裂带走向和倾向上深部地下水水化学变化规律进行分析。结果表明:焦家断裂带深部地下水水化学类型以Cl-Na型和Cl·HCO3-Ca·Na型为主,矿化度(TDS)在0.77~9.66 g/L之间,多数为微咸水和咸水,部分为淡水。焦家断裂带深部地下水的强酸大于弱酸。TDS与Cl-存在显著的线性正相关关系,与Na+、Mg2+之间存在较好的正相关关系,而与HCO3-、SO42-、Ca2+之间的相关关系不明显。对比分析表明,在焦家断裂带走向上,由南至北,Cl-、Ca2+含量和矿化度基本呈上升趋势。在焦家断裂带倾向上,由东至西,由浅部至深部,Cl-含量和矿化度呈上升趋势,且下盘含水层的Cl-浓度随深度变化较上盘含水层Cl-浓度随深度变化快。该研究成果为区域内深部地下水的合理开发利用提供了指导。


刘诗鹏 , 殷传印 , 胡挺 , 邱天 . 焦家断裂带深部地下水水化学特征及其变化规律研究[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2018 , 26(2) : 153 -159 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2018.02.153


Jiaojia fault belt is located in the southern section of the Longkou-Laizhou,which is one of the three most famous metallogenic belts in the northwest region of Jiaodong,and distributed many large-medium type goldmine,such as Xincheng gold deposit,Jiaojia gold deposit,Sizhuang gold deposit and Matang gold deposit.In order to study the hydrochemical characteristics and its changes in the deep groundwater of Jiaojia fault belt,13 groundwater samples from different mining area of pumping test were selected,the anion-cation of water samples were analyzed,and the water chemistry trend in the strike and dip of Jiaojia fault belt were analyzed.The results show that the chemical types  of  deep groundwater in Jiaojia fault belt are mainly Cl-Na and Cl•HCO3-Ca•Na type.Total dissoloved solid(TDS) is between 0.77~9.66 g/L,most of which are brackish water and salt water,and a small amount of fresh water.The strong acid of the deep groundwater in the Jiaojia fault belt is greater than the weak acid.There is a significant linear positive correlation between TDS and Cl-,and have a positive correlation between TDS and Na+,Mg2+.The correlation between TDS and HCO3-,SO42- and Ca2+ is not obvious.The comparative analysis shows that along the strike of Jiaojia fault belt,from south to north,Cl- and Ca2+ are basically rising.Along the dip of Jiaojia fault belt,from east to west,from shallow to deep,Cl- and TDS are rising,and the lower aquifer of Cl- with depth has been changing faster than the upper aquifer.The research results can provide guidance for the rational development and utilization of deep groundwater in this area.

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