陈超民(1995-),男,江西寻乌人,硕士研究生,从事遥感与GIS方面的研究工作。ccm2222@163.com |
收稿日期: 2019-07-25
修回日期: 2019-11-25
网络出版日期: 2020-05-07
Comprehensive Metallogenic Prediction Based on GIS and Analytic Hierarchy Process:A Case Study of Kumishi Region in Xinjiang
Received date: 2019-07-25
Revised date: 2019-11-25
Online published: 2020-05-07
陈超民 , 冷成彪 , 司国辉 . 基于GIS与层次分析法的综合成矿预测——以新疆库米什地区为例[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2020 , 28(2) : 213 -227 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2020.02.139
The Kumishi region in Xinjiang has low vegetation coverage and high bedrock exposure,which are conducive to ore-prospecting by remote sensing.In order to improve the efficiency of ore-prospecting in this region and achieve a breakthrough in ore-prospecting,we systematically collected data of mine,geology and remote sensing in the Kumishi region.Then we extracted abnormal information of alterations from the ETM+ image by adopting the method of “Mask+Principal component analysis of Crosta+Threshold segmentation.”To check the accuracy of abnormal information of alterations,we compared the extracted alteration information with the field phenomenon of the wall-rock alteration in the Kalatage-Qigebu area and found that it was basically consistent.Based on multi-source information of mine,geology and remote sensing,six ore-controlling factors including mineralized points (ore spots),contact zones of magmatic rocks,alteration zones,faults,anomalies of hydroxyl alterations and anomalies of iron-stained alterations were selected.Since the number of deposits or ore spots in the Kumishi region was not enough to support the data-driven model,the analytic hierarchy process which belongs to a knowledge-driven decision-making method was adopted in this study.Consequently,the hierarchical model for the metallogenic prediction was established by the analytic hierarchy process which can present people’s subjective experience and thinking in digital form and realize the combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis.In this model,the metallogenic prospective prediction was regarded as the target layer.The above six ore-controlling factors were considered as the criterion layer.0~300 m buffers,300~600 m buffers,and 600~1 000 m buffers were taken as the index layer in the lower layer of the first four criterion layers.The last two criterion layers were divided into three grades that were deemed as the index layer.By the combination of some previous research and expertise,some judgment matrices for each criterion layer and each index layer were constructed.In addition,we assigned values to each index layer.On this basis,some weights of each criterion layer and each index layer were calculated by the mathematical method.Meanwhile,the raster calculation and the kernel density analysis were carried out on the GIS platform to complete the comprehensive metallogenic prediction.Finally,some ore spots that were not added to the model were used to evaluate the effect of the metallogenic prediction.To test the accuracy of the predicted results,we drilled two holes in the Kalatage-Qigebu area.The scheelite mineralization in this area was preliminarily found because of the bluish-purple fluorescence of some samples under the ultraviolet light.It was confirmed more precisely by the scanning electron microscope(SEM) and the energy dispersive spectrometer(EDS).In conclusion,the results show that the application of the analytic hierarchy process in the metallogenic prediction of multi-source information in the Kumishi region has a good effect.Therefore,it can provide some references for further work in this region.
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