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  • 王博 ,
  • 贺康 ,
  • 钟德云
  • 中南大学资源与安全工程学院,湖南 长沙 410083


收稿日期: 2020-10-24

  修回日期: 2021-01-11

  网络出版日期: 2021-07-14




Automatic Construction Method of Constraint Rules for Implicit Modeling of Geological Bodies Based on Borehole Data

  • Bo WANG ,
  • Kang HE ,
  • Deyun ZHONG
  • School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,Hunan,China

Received date: 2020-10-24

  Revised date: 2021-01-11

  Online published: 2021-07-14




王博 , 贺康 , 钟德云 . 基于钻孔数据的地质体隐式建模约束规则自动构造方法[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2021 , 29(3) : 345 -354 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2021.03.189


Three-dimensional geological modeling can be divided into traditional wireframe modeling and implicit modeling.Compared with traditional wireframe modeling,implicit modeling method does not require a large number of human-computer interactions,and has the advantages of high model quality,repeatable process and fast local dynamic update speed.After years of research,various interpolation methods for implicit modeling have been developed,but the constraint data required for implicit modeling interpolation requires a lot of preprocessing,for a wide range of geological modeling work,manual processing of interpolation constraint data requires a lot of time and energy for geologists,and the operation of geological modeling based on manual processing is semi-automatic implicit modeling.In order to improve the automation degree of geologic body implicit modeling method,we proposed a method of automatic extraction and quantification of formation characteristic parameters based on borehole data,which can take into account the global occurrence characteristics of stratum and the local occurrence trend of borehole,and be used to construct interpolation constraints that control the geometry of different geological interfaces.This method analyzes the original geological drilling data,automatically extracts the occurrence of the formation to characterize the global interpolation trend of the formation,and then uses the local ellipsoid search to construct the neighborhood drilling group,extracts the field boundary point set according to different search strategies,and finally calculates the local occurrence parameters to construct local interpolation trends.Based on the above ideas,combined with the implicit modeling method of geological bodies considering the constraints of stratigraphic sequence,a complete geological body model that conforms to stratigraphic characteristics and satisfies the laws of stratigraphic sequence was constructed.The data extracted by this method were used to construct a single geological model of a uranium deposit in Xinjiang using the potential field method and the HRBF method,after that,a comprehensive model of complex shapes was constructed with full consideration of the constraints of geological rules.Comparison of the geometric form of a single model built by the two interpolation methods and the comparison of the exploration line profile of the overall model,the research results show that the new method takes into account the geological rules and constraints,can simulate sedimentary strata and intrusions strata well,and the model has good accuracy and conforms to the cognitive rules of geologists.

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2021年6月10日,高级大宗商品策略师麦克格隆(Mike McGlone)表示,2 000美元是金价(1 902.74,6.34,0.33%)面临的阻力位,但由于美国就业形势糟糕,金价最终将突破该阻力位。麦克格隆在报告中表示:“可能不需等到看到美国6月份失业率上升,金价就能超过2 000美元,银价达到30美元。4月份和5月份的美国失业报告弱于市场预期,支持了我们的主要观点,即黄金和白银(28.19,0.16,0.57%)重新进入牛市的时机已经成熟。2 000美元左右仍是黄金的关键阻力位,我们预计金价最终会突破这一位置。”


如果布油跌回70美元以下,金价也可能维持在每盎司1 900美元以上的水平。今年春季以来,基本面环境的大转变释放了黄金上涨的能力,因为美国国债收益率和比特币这2个主要障碍已经消失。麦格隆指出:“黄金回调最糟糕的时期似乎已经过去,我们认为技术和基本面因素预示着牛市的重启。比特币牛市和债券收益率走高带来的强劲逆风似乎已经走到了尽头。”

目前的金价走势与2018年类似,当时金价为每盎司1 200美元,而美国10年期国债的峰值约为3%。麦克格隆补充道:“如果2021年1.75%左右的收益率高点已经出现,那么黄金的底部很可能也已经见底。与3年前的黄金低谷相比,美国的不充分就业率接近5%,而现在是10%。”麦克格隆还在报告中指出,银价的走势看起来也很有希望,随时可能追随黄金和铜的脚步,再创新高。




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