谭正华(1981-),男,湖南邵阳人,讲师,博士,从事数字矿山理论与技术研究工作。33539318@qq.com |
收稿日期: 2020-11-05
修回日期: 2020-12-27
网络出版日期: 2021-12-17
Research and Application of Digital Mining Collaborative Technology Based on JSON
Received date: 2020-11-05
Revised date: 2020-12-27
Online published: 2021-12-17
针对矿山业务软件数据格式繁多,缺乏统一数据标准,业务流程多次流转后产生海量异构数据造成数据难以管理的问题,提出了一种基于JSON的数字采矿协同技术。首先对采集的矿山数据进行分类,并采用轻量级的JSON格式对分类后的矿山业务数据进行标准化处理。然后采用微服务架构的分布式思想,依据明确的矿山业务边界将整个数字采矿协同平台的业务功能模块划分为独立的服务模块。由于微服务的特性,可以根据不同的业务服务设计单独的数据库存储信息,并基于Spring Cloud框架管理协同平台中各独立业务服务和数据库,实现数据跨业务式互联互通,最后将其应用于新疆阿舍勒铜矿。结果表明:该方法充分利用JSON数据格式与微服务架构的特点,解决了矿山信息孤岛、信息断层等问题,减少了数据调用及管理时间,提高了矿山各业务跨部门、跨学科协作的能力与工作效率。
谭正华 , 李国泰 , 文阳 . 基于JSON的数字采矿协同技术研究及应用[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2021 , 29(5) : 719 -728 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2021.05.193
Building a mine mining full life cycle business management platform with standardized business data and standardized workflows is the focus of current digital mine research.The platform can provide a unified digital operating environment for mine production technology and management,and the business datas is automatically flowed on the same platform in strict accordance with the work process,realizing efficient collaboration and data interconnection among business departments throughout the mine life cycle.For the data generated by the mining geology,surveying,mining and businesses on the platform which have multiple sources,heterogeneity and mass,each business software has its own proprietary data format causes lack a unified data standard and the business process is not smooth enough.This article propose a digital mining collaboration technology based on JSON.Firstly,classify the collected mine datas,and compare the data format with XML and JSON.The JSON format data occupies a smaller space,having a more concise data structure and a faster analysis speed.Therefore,the light-weight JSON format is used to standardize the classified mining business data.By comparing the traditional architecture with the microservice architecture,it can be seen that the microservice architecture is a distributed mode that combines componentization and serviceization.It can divides the overall module into smaller business services according to business boundaries and flexibly deploy corresponding databases according to different business services.By comparing with the four mainstream Spring Cloud,gPRC,Dubbo,and Motan microservice frameworks,it can be seen that Spring Cloud is a resource angle splits the whole.It sets a specific uniform resource identifier microservice framework for each split module.This framework provides a full set of functions for building a mine microservice system,also it’s deploys mine business quickly and conveniently and simple to operate.Therefore,the distributed idea of microservice architecture was adopted.The mining business boundaries were divided into independent service modules,each independent service deploys a separate database to store the corresponding business data,managing each independent business of the collaborative platform based on the Spring Cloud framework service and database.Finally,the technology was applyed to the Ashele copper mine in Xinjiang.The results show that the method adopts data standardization combined with microservices makes full use of the advantages of JSON data format and Spring Cloud microservice architecture.The method solves the problems of mine information islands and information faults,reduces the time for data calling and management,improves the ability and work efficiency of cross-departmental and cross-disciplinary collaboration of various businesses of the mine,and realizes the sustainable hige-efficient and economic production of the mine.
2020年俄罗斯黄金产量为340.17 t,略低于2019年,下降0.98%。生产的黄金大部分用于出口,出口量约320 t。几年前,由于国内大部分黄金都被俄罗斯银行购买,俄罗斯的黄金出口微不足道,但近年来情况发生了变化。根据俄罗斯自然资源部部长最近的声明,“按照目前的生产速度,俄罗斯的黄金储备将足以确保未来40年的稳定生产”。
根据官方数据,自2010年以来,俄罗斯的黄金储备增加了约6 000 t。在过去的10年中,进一步勘探了3个大型区域,其中包括马加丹地区(Magadan)的纳塔尔金(Natalkinskoye)和帕夫里克(Pavlik)金矿床,萨哈(雅库特)共和国地区[The Sakha(Yakutia)Republic]的格罗斯(Gross)金矿床和伊尔库茨克地区(Irkutsk)的韦尔宁(Verninskoye)金矿床。伊尔库茨克地区的苏霍伊洛克(Sukhoi Log)金矿床和远东的几个大型矿区也正在准备开发。
俄罗斯副总理兼总统驻远东联邦区全权代表尤里·特鲁特涅夫表示,希望在俄罗斯人口最少的马加丹地区加强地质勘探,该地区可能成为未来新的金矿开发中心。2020年,全区矿山企业从矿石和砂矿中提取黄金49.14 t,为过去45年中最高的开采量。此外,还计划进一步增加堪察加地区(Kam⁃chatskaya Kray)的生产。在堪察加优先发展的阿梅吉斯(Ametistovoe)地区,将建立一个新的地下矿山和新的加工综合体,阿梅吉斯公司为堪察加最大的黄金开采企业。堪察加政府计划通过启用新的采矿和加工工厂,到2022年将黄金产量增加至10 t。
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