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Gold Science and Technology ›› 2014, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (3): 77-81.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2014.03.077

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An Experimental Research on Resource Utilization of Gold Copper Waste Rock

LIN Honghan   

  1. Xiamen Zijin Mining & Metallurgy Technology Co.,Ltd.,Xiamen  361101,Fujian,China
  • Received:2014-02-18 Revised:2014-04-17 Published:2014-11-04


An experimental research on certain gold copper waste rock has been completed,combined the analysis of ore properties,namely,some of the gold inlaid copper mineral were coarser.Therefore,the rapid selective flotation process of gold copper waste rock was applied in this study,which made the resource utilization of gold copper waste rock come true.The waste stone grade was gold 0.41×10-6,and copper 0.17%,respectively.However,after some rapid priority and the three closed circuit process,the gold copper concentrate with gold 26.26×10-6,and copper 13.34% can be attained,indicating that gold recovery rate was 63.16%,the copper was 79.23%,and the separation effect was good.Thus,the method was worth of popularization and application in similar mines,and can effectively improve the level of comprehensive utilization of mine resources.

Key words: grinding fineness, closed-circuit test, process mineralogy, differential flotation, comprehensive utilization of resources

CLC Number: 

  • X705

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