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Gold Science and Technology ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (4): 112-118.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2016.04.112

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Design and Development of Simulation System for Flotation Process of a Gold Ore Based on ExtendSim

SONG Huichang,HU Xiaokun,LIU Qing   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing   100083,China
  • Received:2016-06-30 Revised:2016-07-24 Online:2016-08-28 Published:2016-11-17
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Flotation process is an indispensable step of gold mineral processing.Several difficulties are existed when analyzing the gold flotation process,such as the complexity of multiple parameters which have a comprehensive influence on the flotation and the lack of mechanism models related to flotation.To solve the above problems,on the background of a domestic gold ore dressing plant,a simulation system for gold flotation process was established to simulate the process of gold flotation.Before the establishment of the system,several flotation related mathematical models were established and these models includes the optimization model of production planning,the distribution model of ore quantity,the prediction model of flotation reagents dosage and the prediction models of technical indexes.Then,the simulation system was designed and the system was developed.In this part,a commercial simulation software named ExtendSim was selected as the development platform to develop the simulation system,and the development process of the system was given in this paper. Finally,simulation experiments were conducted using the simulation system and the results was compared with the actual production data.The result of the comparison demonstrates that the simulation system built here can effectively estimate the variation of technical indexes under the conditions of different operating parameters and control parameters.

Key words: flotation process, simulation, flotation models, gold ore, ExtendSim

CLC Number: 

  • TD923

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