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Gold Science and Technology ›› 2019, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (5): 722-730.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.05.722

• Mining Technology and Mine Management • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research and Application of Artificial False Bottom in Mining of Orebody in Alteration Zone

Enxiang SONG1(),Qiang LI2,Jing ZHANG3(),Kang PENG3,4   

  1. 1. Songxian Shanjin Mining Co. ,Ltd. ,Songxian 471400,Henan,China
    2. Department of Business Management,Shandong Gold Group Co. ,Ltd. , Jinan 250010,Shandong, China
    3. School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China
    4. State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China
  • Received:2018-10-29 Revised:2019-06-10 Online:2019-10-31 Published:2019-11-07
  • Contact: Jing ZHANG;


The main orebody of the mining area of Songxian Shanjin Mining Co. Ltd. is located in the M1 structural alteration zone and it is strictly controlled by the structural fracture zone.Its occurrence is basically consistent with the M1 structural alteration zone,which is a moderately stable orebody and due to the roof.The rock mass is broken,and the mining area is mainly developed by the upward approach filling method,so the high-grade top and bottom pillars are left behind.In order to ensure the stability of the stope,the top and bottom columns between the middle sections are effectively recovered,and the utilization rate of the orebody is improved.The mine design shall be constructed with artificial false bottoms after the end of the mining in the middle section,and the top and bottom pillars shall be recovered under the artificial false bottom.In order to ensure the recovery stability and ore recovery rate of the bottom and bottom columns under artificial false bottom,a manual false bottom plate mechanical model was established for the artificial false bottom approach,and the instability mechanism was analyzed by the theory of elastic mechanics.When the two sides of the column are filled with the filling body,the artificial false bottom of the roadway is known as the “soft-supported weak plate” structure,and it is easy to cause bending and tensile failure in the middle of the road top plate;and the safety factor is adopted in the case where the artificial false bottom thickness is determined.The method analyzes the influence of the width and height of the approach on the stability of the approach,and determines the safe and reasonable approach width of 3.5~4.0 m and the height of 3.0~4.0 m.According to the strength requirements and the results of the strength test of the mine backfill,the filling is carried out.The calculation of the reinforcement calculation at the bottom of the body is carried out by using a 1∶8 C-material cemented backing body,and the Φ12 mm steel bar with a mesh size of 300 mm×300 mm can increase the tensile strength of the artificial false bottom.The reinforcement design is carried out at the bottom,and the numerical simulation analysis of the false bottom displacement and the stress field change of the metal mesh at different positions in the artificial false bottom is carried out,and the safest and most reasonable laying position is the middle of the artificial false bottom.The findings applied to engineering practice,the results showed that the application of artificial false bottom of the top-pillar mines safe and effective mining.

Key words: structural alteration zone, drift filling mining method, artificial false bottom, instability mechanism, safety factor method, numerical simulation, mechanical model, metal mesh

CLC Number: 

  • TD853


Mechanical model of artificial false bottom"


Force analysis of the thin “plate” bearing layer"


Destructive form of the “soft-supported and weak plate” structure of the thin “plate” in the approach"

Table 1

Maximum half width requirement of the approach"



进路最大半宽要求l /m


The l-η curve when artificial false bottom thickness h=0.3 m(a) and h=0.3~1.1 m(b)"

Table 2

Maximum height requirements for access"





The M-η curve when artificial false bottom thickness h=0.3 m(a)and h=0.3~1.1 m(b)"


Layout of tailings cemented backfill artificial false bottom reinforcement mesh"

Table 3

Physical and mechanical parameters of material"

1∶8充填体1 7601100.1440.3018
Φ12 mm钢筋7 8002.0×1050.20-200-


The z-direction displacement contour of scheme 1(a),scheme 2(b) and the z-direction displacement at bottom of the artificial false bottom(c)"


Maximum principal stress of the artificial false bottom filling body in scheme 1(a),scheme 2(b)and the bottom of the artificial false bottom filling body(c)"


Maximum tensile stress of the metal mesh of scheme 1(a) and scheme 2(b)"


Maximum tensile stress of transverse reinforcement(a) and longitudinal reinforcement(b) of metal mesh"


False bottom exposed by the approach mining"

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