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Gold Science and Technology ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (5): 678-687.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2020.05.109

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Study on Properties of Mineral Admixture Modified Copper-Nickel Slag Cementitious Materials

Tingting ZHANG1(),Ziyu ZHOU1,Lijie GUO2,Zhenlin WU1(),Junnan HAN1   

  1. 1.Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,Liaoning,China
    2.BGRIMM Technology Group,Beijing 110160,China
  • Received:2020-06-13 Revised:2020-09-02 Online:2020-10-31 Published:2020-11-05
  • Contact: Zhenlin WU;


With the further expansion of demand in the non-ferrous metal industry,the environmental pollution caused by large-scale stacking of copper-nickel smelting slag is becoming more and more serious.There are various forms of secondary utilization of copper-nickel slag in worldwide,including conventional methods such as metal extraction,glass-ceramics generation and ceramics,all of which have the disadvantage of low comprehensive utilization.Therefore,it is of great practical significance to study the construction cementitious materials using copper-nickel slag as the raw material in the secondary utilization of industrial waste.In the preliminary experiment,our research group used NaOH as the alkali activator to conduct the ion dissolution characteristics research of copper-nickel slag and the mechanical properties test of copper-nickel slag cementitious materials.The preliminary results show that the gelation and mechanical properties of copper-nickel slag materials are not ideal under the condition of a single alkali activator,and it is difficult to meet the actual engineering application standards.Therefore,this paper aims to use mineral admixtures to accelerate the activation of modified copper-nickel slag cementitious materials to improve their mechanical properties.After comprehensive consideration,we selected the slag powder and fly ash,which are also industrial waste,as the modifier.The admixture was mixed into the copper-nickel slag separately through the external mixing method to form two experimental groups.The final mixture ratio and water-cement ratio are adjusted and determined according to preliminary experiments.After curing,the compressive strength of each group of samples was tested by a universal testing machine.Then the product composition and modification mechanism of the experimental samples at various ages were analyzed by XRD,FTIR,SEM and other testing methods,and the performance improvement effect of different mineral admixtures was evaluated.The results show that both fly ash and slag powder as admixtures can improve the mechanical properties of copper-nickel slag cementitious materials of various ages by NaOH-activation,and the modification effect of high-doped slag powder is better.The modified cementitious material can basically replace ordinary Portland cement.According to the analysis of sample product and microstructure,the addition of mineral admixtures makes up for the deficiency of insufficient calcium source in the copper-nickel slag,which makes the polymerization reaction under alkaline activation more intense.In addition,the amount of C-S-H gel produced in the samples of the modified experimental group increased significantly,and the amount of iron gel produced decreased,showing a good acceleration excitation effect at all ages.

Key words: copper-nickel slag, alkali activator, mineral admixtures, accelerated activation, microstructure, C-S-H gel

CLC Number: 

  • TU526

Table 1

Chemical composition of copper-nickel slag(%)"



XRD pattern of copper nickel slag"

Table 2

Chemical composition of fly ash and slag(%)"



XRD pattern of fly ash and slag"


Effect of NaOH content on compressive strength of CNSCMs"

Table 3

Mixture design containing fly ash"



Effect of fly ash content on compressive strength of CNSCMs"


XRD patterns of fly ash modified CNSCMs"


FTIR patterns of fly ash modified CNSCMs"


SEM micrographs of fly ash modified CNSCMs"

Table 4

Mixture design containing slag"



Effect of slag content on compressive strength of CNSCMs"


XRD patterns of slag modified CNSCMs"


FTIR patterns of slag modified CNSCMs"


SEM micrographs of slag modified CNSCMs"


EDS spectrum of slag modified CNSCMs(Sample A)"

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