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J4 ›› 2007, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (4): 62-64.

• article • Previous Articles    

Transforms the Stave Craft Realized Energy Conservation

 SUN  Su-Ying, YIN  Qing   

  1. Loren Gold Mine Co.Ltd.Pingdu 266718,China
  • Revised:2007-07-01 Online:2007-08-29 Published:2011-08-17


Change through the equipment renewal and the crushing circuit, Realized the stave craft to change. The aim of increasing mineral handling ability is realized. Dressing ability increase from 140 t/d to 170t/d; the rubbing electrical consume decreased from 3.47 kwh/t to 2.45 kwh/t; the gIind fineness electrical consume by 12.4 kwh/t fails to 7.76 kwh/t.

Key words: stave craft, equipment disposes, size of mesh, stave efficiency

CLC Number: 

  • P618.01

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