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Gold Science and Technology ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (5): 58-62.

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Study on the Application of EMAGE-2D in Handling the Data of EH4

FAN Zhanjun1,CHEN Fangbo1,LU Shipeng2,CHEN Xiaoqiang1,ZHANG Tingyan1   

  1. 1.Gold Geological Institute of CAPF,Langfang   065000,Hebei,China;
    2.No.7 Gold Geology Party of CAPF,Yantai   254000,Shandong,China
  • Received:2012-03-26 Revised:2012-07-01 Online:2012-10-29 Published:2013-04-03


Geophysical inversion is the key stage in geophysical data processing and interpretation.Based on the introducing of the function and the principle of inversion,applying the functions of numerical simulation and inversion of  EMAGE-2D with the data which we have obtained,we have attempted to give an estimation of  EMAGE-2D in its numerical simulation experiment and practicability.The results indicate that it is efficient and with higher reliability and pragmatic value in practical application used the software than one-dimensional Bostic inversion.

Key words: EMAGE-2D, EH4, Rapid relaxation inversion, Regularization inversion

CLC Number: 

  • P631

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