Sr-Nd Isotope Constraints on the Source of Ore-forming Elements of Zankan Iron Deposit in the Taxkorgan Terrane of West Kunlun Orogen
Received date: 2018-05-04
Revised date: 2018-07-10
Online published: 2018-10-17
Zankan iron deposit is a recently discovered large iron deposit in the Taxkorgan terrane of the west Kunlun Orogen.The deposit is hosted in the metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Bulunkuole Complex.The orebodies are stratiform or stratoid.The ores are uniquely composed of magnetite,pyrite and anhydrite at various ratios,and show banded,disseminated and massive structures.This paper reports Sr and Nd isotopic composition of ores and ore-hosting rocks of Bulunkuole Group to constrain sources of ore-forming material.The ores yieldI Srof 0.7100~0.7111,with an average of 0.7103;(143Nd/144Nd) i of 0.511555~0.512223,with an average of 0.511827.The biotite-quartz schists of Bulunkuole Group yield(143Nd/144Nd) i of 0.511552.The Sr-Nd isotope systematic shows a source of mixing crust and mantle.Therefore,it is concluded that the ore-forming materials mainly originated from volcanic rocks in the Bulunkuole Complex,and Zankan iron deposit was formed from an Early Cambrian seafloor hydrothermal system related to southward subduction of Proto-Tethyan plate.
Zhenju ZHOU , Yanjing CHEN , Haoshu TANG , Yanshuang WU , Zhengle CHEN . Sr-Nd Isotope Constraints on the Source of Ore-forming Elements of Zankan Iron Deposit in the Taxkorgan Terrane of West Kunlun Orogen[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2018 , 26(4) : 454 -464 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2018.04.454
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