Geochronology and Genesis of Taxia Granodiorite Intrusion in the Northwest Jiangnan Proterozoic Terrane
Received date: 2018-03-16
Revised date: 2018-06-10
Online published: 2019-01-24
Taxia granodiorite intrusion is located in the southern Dongzhi district,western Jiangnan Proterozoic Terrane(JPT),which is another known granitoid intrusion after Daicun intrusion in this area.This study systematically researched the geological,geochronological and geochemical characteristics of Taxia granodiorite intrusion.The results show that Taxia granodiorite intrusion was intruded at early Cretaceous(~142 Ma),corresponding to the first stage (154~138 Ma) of Yanshanian magmatism in the JPT area.The SiO2content of the Taxia granodiorite samples are between 68.12% and 71.75%,the K2O+Na2O value is 6.15% to 7.88%,and the A/CNK ratios is 0.98 to 1.39,which suggest that the lithology of Taxia granodiorite intrusion is high silica,peraluminous and calc-alkaline Ⅰ-type granite.Trace elements are enriched with Rb,Th,U,K and depleted with Ba and Sr elements.The ∑REE varies from 109.59×10-6to 135.49×10-6,and enriched with LREE and depleted with HREE(LREE/HREE are from 17.37 to 20.73),the visible right-trending REE patter is corresponding to the crust-derived magmatism.Combining geological,geochronological and geochemical characteristics,Taxia granodiorite intrusion was formed in the Yanshanian paleo-Pacific Plate subduction background,its melt was probably formed from partial melting of lower crust with mantle materials addedtion which experienced strong wall rock contamination during its emplacement.
Ouxiang WEI , Dayu ZHANG , Jinsong LIU , Xuefeng CHEN , Longxiang YE , Hua JIANG , Xiang QIAN , Taofa ZHOU . Geochronology and Genesis of Taxia Granodiorite Intrusion in the Northwest Jiangnan Proterozoic Terrane[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2018 , 26(6) : 689 -705 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2018.06.689
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