Research on Destress Effect of Ground Pressure Control for the Time-space Mining Sequence at Depths
Received date: 2019-12-31
Revised date: 2020-03-10
Online published: 2020-07-01
The regional time-space mining sequence is one of the important strategic methods for underground pressure management at depths and destress mechanical effect is closely related to the time-space mining sequence itself. Aiming at the large-area mining mechanical model of three-dimensional mining sequence from the centre to the periphery at depths, based on the stress transfer process and characteristics of rockburst stress hazard, the stress evolution laws and changes of rockburst stress hazard were studied during the mining process from a single stop to multiple stopes.The research results show that the three-dimensional mining sequence from the center to the periphery at depths can gradually realize the gradual transfer of high stress and the gradual transition of stress hazard around the mining operation area.The destress effect of ground pressure control for the time-space mining sequence at depths is to achieve the desired destress environment reconstruction and the progressive transfer of the stress hazard through the reasonable setting of the three-dimensional mining sequence.The mutual feedback analysis technology based on the combination of numerical simulation and microseismic monitoring could realize high integration of large area numerical simulation and big data of microseismic monitoring, real-time dynamic analysis and tracking evaluation, and it is an effective method to evaluate the destress effect of ground pressure control for the time-space mining sequence at depths.The essence of the destress effect of ground pressure control for the time-space mining sequence at depths is the idea to actively create low stress destress zone in the high-stress environment.This idea had been applied at Nickel Rim South mine in Canada, which had achieved a good destress effect and realized reasonable management for ground control. It is believed that this idea has important guiding significance for deep and ultra-deep mining in China.
Shibo YU , Xiaocong YANG , Ye YUAN , Zhixiu WANG . Research on Destress Effect of Ground Pressure Control for the Time-space Mining Sequence at Depths[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2020 , 28(3) : 345 -352 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2020.03.026
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