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Mining Technology and Mine Management

Research on the Effect Mechanism of Safety Culture on Employee Safety Behavior in Metal Mines

  • Xiuzhi SHI ,
  • Chunsheng DING ,
  • Yaguang QIN
  • School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,Hunan,China

Received date: 2020-11-25

  Revised date: 2021-02-05

  Online published: 2021-10-08


The development of any enterprise must take safety as the fundamental premise,and safety is the first priority of mining enterprises.Mining-related occupations have significant hazards that are difficult to eliminate and characterized by a lower occupational safety culture and a higher accident rate than occupations with lower or easily eliminated hazards.The safety production situation in metal mining enterprises is still very serious,and human-induced accidents account for most of them.Therefore,it is very important for enterprises to strengthen the construction of their own safety culture and let employees develop good safety behavior habits.The current literatures mainly focus on the relationship between safety culture and safety behavior,but few studies focus on the mediating variables between them.In order to further explore the mechanism of the effect of safety culture on employees’ safety behavior in metal mining enterprises,psychological authorization was introduced as a mediating variable.Questionnaire and empirical analysis were used in this study.A questionnaire survey was conducted among the workers in a metal mining enterprise in Guangdong,and the data were analyzed by using the structural equation modeling software SmartPLS in empirical analysis.The data collected by the questionnaire survey have good reliability and validity and can be used for further analysis.The results show that safety culture has a positive and significant effect on employees’ safety behavior,and psychological empowerment plays a complete mediating role between safety culture and safety behavior.The influence of each dimension of safety culture on safety behavior is different.The direct influence coefficients of safety communication,safety management commitment,safety training and safety incentive are 0.495,0.481,0.276 and 0.155,respectively.In the dimension of psychological empowerment,the influence path coefficients of job meaning,self-efficacy and autonomy on safe behavior are 0.200,0.180 and 0.696,respectively.The study further defined that the psychological authorization between safety culture and safety behavior plays a specific role.Therefore,the leaders of metal mining enterprises should not only strengthen the construction of safety culture to improve the safety behavior of employees,but also be good at creating a sense of psychological authorization for employees to improve their work autonomy and self-efficacy,so as to enable employees to develop good habits of safety behavior,in turn,improve employee safety behavior,to achieve the purpose of reduce and prevent accidents,truly realizing the metal mine enterprise intrinsically safe.

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Xiuzhi SHI , Chunsheng DING , Yaguang QIN . Research on the Effect Mechanism of Safety Culture on Employee Safety Behavior in Metal Mines[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2021 , 29(4) : 593 -601 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2021.04.202

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