Study on the Structure and Evolution of Rare Earth Trade Network Along the Belt and Road
Received date: 2021-11-15
Revised date: 2022-03-09
Online published: 2022-06-17
Rare earth is a strategic and key metal mineral resource that promotes high-quality development of national economy and global economic restructuring. The Belt and Road Initiative provides major opportunities for rare earth trade among countries. Based on the trade data of rare earth related products along the Belt and Road from 2013 to 2019 in UN Comtrade, the network structure characteristics and evolution process of rare earth trade along the Belt and Road were explored from individual and overall levels by using complex network analysis method. At the individual level, the position and evolution trend of countries along the route in the rare earth trade network were explored based on the degree centrality, intermediate centrality, proximity centrality and point intensity of network nodes. At the overall level, the characteristics of network density, small-world network, and community structure were analyzed to explore the overall characteristics and evolution rules of network. The results show that: (1)From 2013 to 2019, the Rare earth trade network of the Belt and Road presents the characteristics of a “small world”, but the network density is low and the accessibility of the overall network structure is weak. (2)As an important participant in the Belt and Road rare earth trade, China has always played a core role in the trade network and has absolute influence and control over rare earth trade. (3)Due to industrial proximity, trade and transportation costs, cultural differences, countries with similar geographical locations have closer rare earth trade links.(4)The trade of rare earth terminal application products is the main aspect that affects the development of rare earth trade in the Belt and Road. Therefore, the research believes that the following measures can provide a basis for China’s rare earth trade strategy and policy formulation and the optimization of rare earth trade pattern. Firstly, strengthen infrastructure construction and reduce the impact of geographical location on the Belt and Road rare earth trade cooperation.Secondly, strengthen rare earth trade links among core countries in various regions to further consolidate China’s core position in the Belt and Road rare earth trade network.Thirdly, reduce rare earth trade barriers, improve the smooth flow of rare earth trade activities and the development of trade networks along the Belt and Road.Finally, expand rare earth trade cooperation partners and promote the diversification of rare earth trade market targets along the Belt and Road.
Shuitai XU , Caiwei MA , Wenxing ZHU . Study on the Structure and Evolution of Rare Earth Trade Network Along the Belt and Road[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2022 , 30(2) : 196 -208 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2022.02.168
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