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Adv. Search
Current Issue
2000,Vol.8,4 Date of publication:30 August 2000 Previous Issue Next Issue

Mineral concentration regularities and deep mineralization prediction of Tongyu gold area in Xiaoqiling

HUANG Jian-Jun, LIU Ping, YUAN Lian-Xiao, HUANG Chang-Jing

Abstract ( 1095) ( 0) PDF (328 KB)( 455 )

Golden mineralization associated with lower-angle detachment faults in the northeast of jiaolai basin

YANG Jin-Zhong, DIAO Yu-Ling, CHEN Yuan-Chao, LI Hou-Min

Abstract ( 1181) ( 0) PDF (216 KB)( 568 )

Brief introdiction to gold resources and metallogenic prospect of im portant gold mineralized concentration Area in China

XU You-Hua, QI Feng-Ru, CHENG Yu-Meng

Abstract ( 1428) ( 0) PDF (170 KB)( 1472 )

Structural controls of mineral localization and m ineral deposit model of Zhilingtou gold-silver deposit

HUA Jie-Xiong, CHEN Shao-Hua, MAO Wei-Xiong, DENG Xin-Gen

Abstract ( 1282) ( 0) PDF (206 KB)( 696 )

The development and trends of the database technology

LUO Zheng-Jun

Abstract ( 844) ( 0) PDF (120 KB)( 1111 )

The Intranet Designation of Shandong Gold Group

DIAO Ren-Kai, LI Pei-Jie

Abstract ( 875) ( 0) PDF (128 KB)( 670 )

Mineral separation process test of tiny dissem inated autochthonows gold ore

FEI Hong-Ming

Abstract ( 874) ( 0) PDF (72 KB)( 1012 )