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Current Issue
2007,Vol.15,2 Date of publication:27 April 2007 Previous Issue Next Issue

The Geological Features and Controlled - Deposit factors on Daxin Gold Deposit in Hunan

LIANG Dong, DAI Jian-Bin

Abstract ( 1778) ( 0) PDF (294 KB)( 930 )

Heilongjiang Province Laozuoshan Gold Ore Deposit East Ore Belt East Hydrology Geologycal Feature

LIU Xi-You, LIU Hong-Jun, DAI Wen-Yu

Abstract ( 1955) ( 0) PDF (223 KB)( 780 )

Characteristics of the Control Factors of Gold M ine in the West Part of Southern Beishan Area,Gansu Province

WANG Long-Cheng

Abstract ( 1638) ( 0) PDF (202 KB)( 757 )

Geological Features and Ore-Forming Rule of the Shabaoshi Gold Deposit in Mohe,Heilongjian

ZHAO Bingxin, SONG Bingjian, ZHOU Dianyu, HUAI Baofeng

Abstract ( 2454) ( 0) PDF (227 KB)( 931 )

W ore Characteristic and ore - exloration Prospect Analysis of Qilian area

CHEN Shengmin

Abstract ( 1638) ( 0) PDF (438 KB)( 995 )

Laozuoshan Reion Area Drinks the Natural M ineral Water Characteristic and Development use Prospect

LIU Xiyou, ZHANG Yanmei

Abstract ( 1342) ( 0) PDF (270 KB)( 980 )

Experimental Study on the Cyanidation of Gold Ore containing High Content of Arsenic

WANG Ting, XIONG Yubao, GAO Xiaohong, LI Shaoqing

Abstract ( 1737) ( 0) PDF (119 KB)( 970 )

Independent Coordinate System Establish Method in Mining Area

CHEN Anbin

Abstract ( 1581) ( 0) PDF (107 KB)( 1136 )

Checking method of vert The ical angle for round tower buildings

CHEN Anbin

Abstract ( 1334) ( 0) PDF (85 KB)( 884 )

Study on Information Resource Planning in Zhaojin Mining

WANG Qijian

Abstract ( 1352) ( 1) PDF (267 KB)( 820 )