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Adv. Search
Current Issue
2008,Vol.16,5 Date of publication:27 October 2008 Previous Issue Next Issue

Researching Progress about the Relationship of Shear Zone and Gold Mineralization

LU Yanming ,ZHANG Yujie ,ZHANG Dong ,FAN Junjie ,PAN Aijun ,ZHAO Jun ,DONG Huaf

Abstract ( 1824) ( 1) PDF (529 KB)( 1500 )

The Enrichment Regularities of Mineralization in Auriferous Quartz Veins at Xiaoqinling, Shaanxi

GAO Junhui, HUANG Jianjun

Abstract ( 1569) ( 0) PDF (312 KB)( 904 )

Geological Characteristics and Forecast of No.1 and No.20 Ore Belt in M aquan Gold Deposit,Gansu

LU Tiaojian,JIANG Qimin

Abstract ( 1735) ( 0) PDF (372 KB)( 973 )

Preliminary Study on the M etallogenic M odel of the Gold Deposits in Volcanicmagmatic Area of。 Eastern Jilin,China

JIN Tong-He- , WANG Xiao-Yong- , LI Jing-Jiang, DIAO Chun-Rong

Abstract ( 1902) ( 0) PDF (402 KB)( 811 )

Analysis of Geological Characteristics and Ore—forming about Gold Deposit and Ore Prospects in Eastern Laji Montain,Qinghai Provinc

ZHANG Yujie,SHEN Yongsheng,REN Jixu

Abstract ( 1827) ( 0) PDF (306 KB)( 885 )

Metallogenic Condition and Prospecting Potential of M anzhanggang Gold Deposit in Xinghai County,Qinghai Provinc

ZHAO Youjun,LI Yanqiang,LU Yaozu

Abstract ( 1994) ( 0) PDF (215 KB)( 990 )

The Application of DPIS System Information M agnitude on Prospecting Forecasting: To Songpan—Motianling Area As an Example

ZHANG Yujie ,LIU Guige ,CHEN Yonggan ,CHANG Chunjiao ,LU Yanming ,DONG Huafang2

Abstract ( 1637) ( 0) PDF (313 KB)( 1017 )

A Preliminary Analysis on Geological Feature and M etallogenic Condition of the Lead—zinc Deposit at Zhongnangou,Qinghai

DU Zhanmei,DONG Xiangping,GUAN Bo,LEI Yanli

Abstract ( 1725) ( 0) PDF (272 KB)( 787 )

Time-space Distribute Regulation and Prospecting Significance of M anzhanggang Super Unit

LU Yaozu

Abstract ( 1324) ( 0) PDF (289 KB)( 813 )

Error Source Analysis of GPS M easurement

MA Dengqing,YANG Zhanying,LIU Chenggui

Abstract ( 1304) ( 0) PDF (223 KB)( 1091 )

Improve the Gold Leaching Rate of Gold Concentrate W hich Bears the Higher Copper and Lead

W ANG Baosheng,ZHANG Zhenping,LIU W anzhi,W ANG Xiaodong

Abstract ( 1455) ( 0) PDF (136 KB)( 1085 )

The Theoretical Calculation and Significance to the Coordination Number of Copper Cyanide Complexes by Cyanidation-leaching for Gold Concentrate

XIE Minxiong ,WANG Baosheng ,DING Hui

Abstract ( 1645) ( 0) PDF (194 KB)( 1133 )

Study on the Design of Cyanide Leaching Plant of a Gold-sliver Ore in Fujian

ZHANG Zhongbao

Abstract ( 1801) ( 0) PDF (213 KB)( 851 )

Comprehensive Utilization Technology of Gold Tailings

XUE Yanhui,XUE Dabing,ZHOU Baoyou

Abstract ( 1463) ( 0) PDF (182 KB)( 938 )

Analysis of the Common Fault about Piston Compressor and C0rresp0nding M easUreS

WANG Guoli

Abstract ( 1562) ( 0) PDF (224 KB)( 921 )

View and Suggestion on Some Problems of Land Reclamation Design of M etallurgical M ines

WANG Jianguo

Abstract ( 1507) ( 0) PDF (247 KB)( 725 )