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2009,Vol.17,6 Date of publication:30 December 2009 Previous Issue Next Issue

The Integrated Geophysical Exploration and Metallogenic Potential in Sharibaotu Gold Deposit,Inner Mongolia

CHEN Wei-Jun, LIU He-Feng, MENG Fan-Wei, LIU Gong-Chao, LIU Jian-Meng

Abstract ( 1894) ( 0) PDF (515 KB)( 814 )

The Geological Characteristics and Prospecting Potential of Gold Deposit in Shanxi-Gansu-Sichuan “Gold Triangle”Region

GUO Dun-Hua, LI Jian-Zhong, TUN Chun-Dun, MAO Shi-Dong, ZHENG Xin-Xu, LI Dan-Qiao

Abstract ( 2201) ( 0) PDF (484 KB)( 1066 )

Geological Characteristics and Deep Resources Forecast of the 17 1 Gold Veins in Dongfeng Mining Area,Linglong Gold Deposit,Shandong Province

FENG Chao, SUN Zong-Feng, LI Wen, LIU Ri-Fu, CA Xiao-Ning

Abstract ( 3173) ( 0) PDF (464 KB)( 927 )

The Geological Characteristics and Ore-controlling Tectonic Model of Mawu Gold Deposit in M inxian,Gansu Province

DIAO Yu-Suo, XIAO Li, WANG Xiao-Jun, CUI Long, DIAO Chang-Cun

Abstract ( 2592) ( 0) PDF (406 KB)( 977 )

Preliminary Study on the Geological Characteristics and Ore-controlling Factors of Yanzigou Gold Deposit in Danba,Sichuan Province

HOU Lin, HONG Xiong-Wu, BANG Hui-Juan

Abstract ( 2270) ( 0) PDF (432 KB)( 1031 )

Application of Evidence Weight Model in Copper and Gold M etallogenic Prediction of Northeastern Jiangxi Province

LI Si-Ke, SUN Gang

Abstract ( 1691) ( 1) PDF (397 KB)( 1105 )

Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of Dashui Diorite-type Gold Deposit in Gansu Province

WANG Jin-Fang, FENG Jing-Zhi, WANG Cong-Ying, CHEN Wen-Tao, LI Gong-Yang, YUAN Mo-Meng

Abstract ( 1622) ( 0) PDF (308 KB)( 961 )

Discussion on the Genetic Mechanism of Shizimiao An-M o Ore Field

DIAO Rui-Feng, MU Xin-Hua

Abstract ( 1733) ( 0) PDF (236 KB)( 943 )

Metallogenic Characteristics and Regularities of Lengshuichong Gold Deposit in Hezhou,Guangxi Province

ZHANG Zun-Zun, LEI Liang-Ai, LI Ze-Qin, CHEN Xiao-Yan

Abstract ( 2190) ( 0) PDF (461 KB)( 941 )

Structural Superimposed Halos and Prospecting Direction of Shanhou-W eishishan Areas in Zhaoyuan-Pingdu Metallogenic Belt

LI Hong-Jie, MA Shu-Jiang

Abstract ( 1710) ( 0) PDF (380 KB)( 959 )

Geological Features and M etallogenic Condition of Zhamashixigou Gold-copper Deposit in Qinghai Province

LIU Jiang-Feng

Abstract ( 1932) ( 0) PDF (498 KB)( 956 )

Experimental Research on Secondary Recovery of Heap-leaching Tailings of a Certain Gold M ine in Gansu

JI Juan-Xia, XU Xiao-Jun, LIU Gong-Dong, WANG Jin-Xiang, JI Xin

Abstract ( 1847) ( 0) PDF (256 KB)( 988 )

Study on Reclaiming of Gold from the Flotation Tailing Containg Arsenic and Cuprum of Chuantou Gold Deposit in Luoyang

DUAN Liu-Tian, WANG Chi-Beng, WANG Gao-Tian, LI Chao-Qing

Abstract ( 1792) ( 0) PDF (252 KB)( 857 )

Analysis and Option of Energy Saving in Xinli Concentrator,Sanshamlao Gold Mine

XIE Min-Xiong, WANG Bao-Qing, LIU Mo-Zhi

Abstract ( 1773) ( 1) PDF (290 KB)( 954 )