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2005,Vol.13,03 Date of publication:28 June 2005 Previous Issue Next Issue

The Geomathematic Analysis on The New and Old Ⅲ Vein of Jiaojia Gold Deposit in Shandong Provinnce

XIN Hong-Bei, DENG Jun, WANG Jian-Guo, YAN Guo-Long, TIAN Feng, HUI Yan-Guang

Abstract ( 1366) ( 0) PDF (231 KB)( 735 )

The Localizing Mechanism of Ore-Forming Fluids in the Jinqingding Gold Deposit

LIU Shan-Bao, ZHANG Bao-Lin, XU Xin-Wang, WANG Jie, CA Xin-Beng, CHEN Yan, Song-Bao-Chang, QI Min

Abstract ( 998) ( 1) PDF (1271 KB)( 988 )

Contrelling Geologic Conditions of  the Dongan Gold Deposit

CHEN Hai-Meng, LIU Zhi-Meng

Abstract ( 1572) ( 1) PDF (167 KB)( 854 )

The Geological Characteristic and the Prospect of  Yuandingshan Golden Deposit , in Guangdong Province

WEN Yong-Wen

Abstract ( 1407) ( 0) PDF (239 KB)( 790 )

The New Cognition and Prospecting About the Geologic Regularity of Hetai Gold field, Guangdong

WU Sai-Hong

Abstract ( 1356) ( 0) PDF (291 KB)( 780 )

Discuss of  Sampling Method Perfection of  Breccia Golden Deposit

GU Shi-Quan

Abstract ( 1225) ( 0) PDF (147 KB)( 570 )

The Character of Rich Pocket in Hetai Gold Field

WU Sai-Hong

Abstract ( 1478) ( 0) PDF (154 KB)( 841 )

A ir Blasting Gun for Arch Collapse and its Application in Metallic Mineral Processing Plants


Abstract ( 1209) ( 1) PDF (158 KB)( 869 )

Rock-mine Identify in the Gold Application of the Quantitative Analysis

DU Shao-Wen, WU Xiang, WANG Yun-Ling, LEI An-Min

Abstract ( 1379) ( 0) PDF (108 KB)( 793 )

About a Little Experience in Mine,s Surrounding-Protecting

DUAN Jie-Shan, HU Xiang-Dong

Abstract ( 1336) ( 0) PDF (180 KB)( 971 )