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2006,Vol.14,1 Date of publication:25 February 2006 Previous Issue Next Issue

The Structural Super imposed Halo Model Of Quartz-type Gold Deposits in shanxi dongtong gold deposit

ZHANG Bei-Ting, SHAO Jian-Bei, SONG Chang-Bao

Abstract ( 1542) ( 0) PDF (227 KB)( 967 )

The Geologic Character and Explored Way of 358 Highland Rock- Gold Mine

YANG Jian-Guo, HU Meng-Liang, CHI Xiao-Ban

Abstract ( 1600) ( 0) PDF (230 KB)( 962 )

Geological Characteristics and Prospecting potential of DongAn Gold Ore Field in Heilongjiang

SU Ren-Kui, XU Jian-Bei, CHU Yao-Jun, SONG Chang-Bao

Abstract ( 1671) ( 1) PDF (266 KB)( 997 )

Discussion on Geological Characteristics and Origin of Erfaqu Gold Deposit in Huanan County Heilong Province

DIAO Hai-Feng, SONG Chang-Bao

Abstract ( 1605) ( 0) PDF (157 KB)( 720 )

Discrete Element Numerical Simulation of Subsidence Induced by Mining Under Fragmentized Rock-strip

ZHOU Yu-Bin, LI Yi-Fan, DENG Fei

Abstract ( 1475) ( 1) PDF (653 KB)( 886 )

Study on the Pretreatment of a Kalin Gold Ores by Alkaline Hot- pressOxidation

JU Lai-Chang, LUO Ji-Shu

Abstract ( 1490) ( 0) PDF (223 KB)( 944 )

Application of Veinal Mineral in the Patio Underpropped with Wood

LI Yong, ZHANG Xiao-Dong, SONG Chang-Bao

Abstract ( 1224) ( 0) PDF (131 KB)( 902 )

Some Prorblems of the New Tailing Cemnent Material in the Application

CHEN Hua-Zhen, SUN Chao, SONG Chang-Bao

Abstract ( 1241) ( 0) PDF (165 KB)( 991 )

Study on the Technical of Sececurity to Definite Height by Handling

MAO Zhen-Shan, LIU Hua-Qing, LI He-Beng, XUE Tian-Chi, WANG Bao-Gong

Abstract ( 1190) ( 0) PDF (158 KB)( 791 )

Designing and Production Practice of Improving Comminution Efficiency by HP Cone Crusher


Abstract ( 1300) ( 0) PDF (177 KB)( 1089 )

Discussion on the Ore Proportioning Management

LEI Hui-Jun

Abstract ( 1032) ( 0) PDF (94 KB)( 796 )