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2006,Vol.14,3 Date of publication:25 February 2006 Previous Issue Next Issue

The Research on The Geological Feature and Mineralization Age of Xiejiagou Gold Deposit In Jiaodong Area

XIN Hong-Bei, DENG Jun, QU Xiao-Meng, WANG Jian-Guo, HU Shi-Jie

Abstract ( 1316) ( 0) PDF (554 KB)( 1004 )

The Mathematics Analysis of Variety Degree ofMa in Orebody in Jiaojia Gold Mine of Shandong

YANG Dong-Chao, LONG Xu-Cheng, GUO Tong-Ju, YANG Sheng-Qi, BAI Mo-Bei, GAO Feng, DIAO Rong-Xin

Abstract ( 1265) ( 0) PDF (269 KB)( 1011 )

The Qinghai Intelligence Increases-Copper Ravine Channel HuaLixi Stage the Copper, Lead, Zinc and Tin Succeeds More Second Girdle of the Mine Geology Feature

WANG Fu-Chao, JIAO Ge-Jun

Abstract ( 1162) ( 0) PDF (200 KB)( 841 )

Ore Prediction in Riganshan Gold Deposit

DOU Hong-Wei, MA Cai, YANG Bao-Rong, QI Ru-Qing, ZHANG Song-Chao

Abstract ( 1103) ( 0) PDF (138 KB)( 826 )

Geological Characteristics and the Occurrence Regularity of Rich Pocket of Yunxi Ore area in Hetai Gold Filed

HU Shi-Jie

Abstract ( 1359) ( 0) PDF (218 KB)( 781 )

Study on The Clot of Injection

MAO Zhen-Shan, LIU Hua-Qing, LI He-Beng, XUE Tian-Chi

Abstract ( 1193) ( 0) PDF (212 KB)( 1010 )

The Residual Analyzed and It's Application of Charge Eletricity

LIANG Shu-Chang, SUN Jia-Fu, YANG Jian-Guo

Abstract ( 1134) ( 1) PDF (666 KB)( 798 )

Application of GPS in Stream Sediment Survey of 1:50000

LI Shu-Jun, NIU Li-Xin, WANG Wen-Meng

Abstract ( 1100) ( 0) PDF (277 KB)( 923 )

The Project Survey Control Network Coordinates System Choice in Plateau Area

MENG Su-Ju, LEI Bai-Zhang, LI Qi-Mei

Abstract ( 947) ( 0) PDF (137 KB)( 768 )

Discussion on the Quality Control in the Operation Management of the Mining Company

LEI Hui-Jun

Abstract ( 977) ( 0) PDF (125 KB)( 748 )

Planning Design of the Logistics Center

JIN Ling-Xiao, GAO Wen-Mei

Abstract ( 968) ( 0) PDF (214 KB)( 978 )