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1999,Vol.7,1 Date of publication:27 February 1999 Previous Issue Next Issue

Review of geology exploration of gold deposits and responsible reserves

CUN Gui, JU Yu-Fu, GUO Chun-Yu

Abstract ( 1129) ( 0) PDF (2687 KB)( 979 )

Some problems in the exploring and mining of gold deposits

DIAO Yu-Ling, YANG Jin-Zhong, CHEN Yuan-Chao, LIU Tie-Bing

Abstract ( 1397) ( 0) PDF (675 KB)( 1167 )

gold challenge at the turning of the new century

LAN Xin-Zhe

Abstract ( 1021) ( 0) PDF (697 KB)( 872 )

Seasonal flood and placer gold metallogeny in permafrost region

BAO Jiang

Abstract ( 1290) ( 0) PDF (408 KB)( 873 )

The gold deposits of the central range Taiwan

GAO Zhen-Min, LI Chao-Yang, XU You-Hua

Abstract ( 1495) ( 0) PDF (962 KB)( 1094 )

A study on the technology of poretreatment of a refractory gold are by alkaline hot-press oxidation


Abstract ( 1185) ( 0) PDF (176 KB)( 901 )