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1999,Vol.7,3 Date of publication:27 June 1999 Previous Issue Next Issue

The characters of pyrite and gold mineralization

GAO Gao-Zhong, CA Xin-Beng, ZHANG Bao-Lin, WANG  Jie

Abstract ( 2140) ( 0) PDF (188 KB)( 2456 )

Geological characteristics and genes is of in terstratified glide breccia type gold depos it as exemplif ied by Pengjiakuang gold deposit

YANG Jin-Zhong, CHEN Yuan-Chao, DIAO Yu-Ling

Abstract ( 1019) ( 0) PDF (385 KB)( 1062 )

The basic law of ore gold-mineraliging in China

XU You-Hua, QI Feng-Ru, Cheng-Yu-Meng

Abstract ( 1150) ( 0) PDF (183 KB)( 826 )

A study on the mineralized geological conditions of gold placer of Liaodong Region

WANG Rui-Shan

Abstract ( 1044) ( 0) PDF (203 KB)( 1343 )

Briefly discussing the Gansus rock-gold deposits,The auriferous strata and the guides of gold prospecting

LEI  Jun

Abstract ( 1376) ( 0) PDF (425 KB)( 1181 )

Development of cyanide recovery and recycling technology from gold leaching tailings

LAN Xin-Zhe, ZHANG Cong-Hui, DANG Xiao-E, LIU Jiang

Abstract ( 1411) ( 0) PDF (369 KB)( 1175 )