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Adv. Search
Current Issue
1999,Vol.7,6 Date of publication:27 December 1999 Previous Issue Next Issue

Supply and demand situation and policy proposals of the gold resources of China

WANG Ke-Jiang, DONG Jian-Le

Abstract ( 885) ( 0) PDF (393 KB)( 1000 )

Optimization for the cutoff grade of ore drawing

ZHANG Min-Zheng

Abstract ( 1186) ( 0) PDF (147 KB)( 915 )

A study on exploitation of the Management information system of Geology-measure-mine by applying VB

LI Pei-Liang, XIONG Zheng-Lian, DIAO Ge-An, WEI De-Feng

Abstract ( 1247) ( 0) PDF (136 KB)( 926 )

Researches for valuation of gold resource as asset

HE Yong-Liang, HU Ai-Lian

Abstract ( 925) ( 0) PDF (221 KB)( 816 )

The Sustainable Development Evaluation on the Economic Results of Industrial Enterprises

WANG Xin-Hua, SUN Hui-Jun

Abstract ( 920) ( 0) PDF (184 KB)( 824 )