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Current Issue
2016,Vol.24,5 Date of publication:28 October 2016 Previous Issue Next Issue

Synthetic Judgement for Filling Scheme Optimization Based on AHP and TPOSIS Methods

WANG Xinmin,FAN Biao,ZHANG Deming,LI Shuai

Abstract ( 1047) ( 1) PDF (1165 KB)( 691 )

Study on the Mechanical Properties of the Phosphogypsum Paste Filling Material

ZHAO Guoyan,HOU Jun,ZHANG Xiaorui,LI Diyuan,WANG Tao

Abstract ( 1176) ( 0) PDF (4109 KB)( 790 )

Experiment Research on Slurry Setting Time’s Effect on High-sulphur Backfill’s Compressive Strength

LAN Zhipeng,WANG Xinmin,WANG Hongjiang,CHEN Qiusong

Abstract ( 1032) ( 1) PDF (3492 KB)( 662 )

Analysis on Structure Deformation and Alteration of the Mujicun Cu-Mo Ore Field in Hebei Province

MA Baojun,CHEN Chao,NIU Shuyin,GENG Guojian,ZHANG Fuxiang,ZHANG Jianzhen,SUN Aiqun

Abstract ( 1083) ( 0) PDF (5884 KB)( 906 )

Implications Clues for Prospecting of Buried Yuerya Type Gold Mine

CHANG Sucai,LI Wanzeng,DU Jiashu,GAO Xiaomin,JI Guangjian

Abstract ( 1181) ( 0) PDF (2950 KB)( 453 )

Study on Prospecting Potential of Chounikou Gold Deposit in the Middle of Taihang Mountains

CHEN Chao,NIU Shuyin,ZHAO Fuwang,MA Baojun,ZHANG Fuxiang,WANG Jiancheng,LU Yafei,GAO Yincang,ZHANG Haoliang,ZHANG Xing

Abstract ( 1623) ( 0) PDF (5207 KB)( 420 )

Genetic Mineralogical Characteristics of Pyrite in Boka Gold Deposit from Dongchuan Area,Yunnan Province

LIU Chunbo,ZHANG Shugen,HUANG Chaowen,LIU Xuan,MO Jinglong,LI Kailin

Abstract ( 1500) ( 1) PDF (3829 KB)( 858 )

Study on the Structural Feature and Genetic Response of Xinshan Gold Deposit in Boka Area,Yunnan Province

LI Kailin,ZHANG Shugen,LIU Chunbo,HUANG Chaowen,MO Jinglong

Abstract ( 1449) ( 1) PDF (5895 KB)( 723 )

Study on 3D Space Metallogenic Regularity of No.171 Ore Vein of Dongfeng Deposit in Shandong Province

JIA Fuju,GAO Jianguo,JIAN Long,LIU Yan,MENG Keke,KE Longyue

Abstract ( 1124) ( 0) PDF (3254 KB)( 520 )

Research on the Methods of Controlling Recirculating Air

HU Hanhua,YU Binbin

Abstract ( 835) ( 0) PDF (2483 KB)( 686 )

Finite Element Combined with MATLAB Numerical Simulation’s Diffusion Migration Research of Uranium Mine Radon Nuclide

CHEN Jianhong,DENG Dongsheng,TANG Haiqiong

Abstract ( 890) ( 0) PDF (2258 KB)( 1367 )

Ahead Geological Forecast in Drift Based on TRT Seismic Reflection Imaging

HU Jianhua,ZHAO Chenye,TIAN Weigang

Abstract ( 870) ( 1) PDF (3753 KB)( 672 )

Study on the Deposition Mechanism of Two-phase Flow Pipeline in Deep Filling System

GUO Jiang,LIU Ming,ZHANG Bixiao

Abstract ( 868) ( 0) PDF (5390 KB)( 692 )

Numerical Simulation of Solid-Liquid Mixing in Stirred Tank During Decyanation Process of Gold-Containing Wastewater

SHENG Yong,LIU Tingyao,HAN Lihui,LIU Qing

Abstract ( 984) ( 0) PDF (7066 KB)( 325 )