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Adv. Search
Current Issue
2021,Vol.29,5 Date of publication:31 October 2021 Previous Issue Next Issue

Cutting Characteristic and Non-explosive Mechanized Rock-breakage Practice of Deep Hard Rock

Shaofeng WANG, Xibing LI

Abstract ( 689) HTML ( 12) PDF (6658 KB)( 665 )

Application of EH4 Magnetotelluric Method in Ore-controlling Structure and Metallogenic Prediction of the Wulong Gold Deposit in Liaodong Peninsula

Bing YU,Haicheng QIU,Changming YU,Qingdong ZENG,Qin DU,Jie YE,Jian-ping LI,Haitao CHEN

Abstract ( 952) HTML ( 10) PDF (7697 KB)( 504 )

A Semi-automatic Method for Estimation of Solid Mineral Resources Reserves

Haiquan LI

Abstract ( 570) HTML ( 4) PDF (4080 KB)( 478 )

Prediction Model of Soil Dump Stability Based on Principal Component Analysis and PSO-ELM Algorithm

Feng GAO,Xiaodong WU,Keping ZHOU

Abstract ( 469) HTML ( 1) PDF (2683 KB)( 528 )

Analysis on Rock Breakage Characteristic and Its Influence Factors of Conical Pick Under Uniaxial Confining Stress

Yu TANG,Shaofeng WANG

Abstract ( 451) HTML ( 1) PDF (5364 KB)( 535 )

Experimental Study on Effect of Water Content on Repeated Shear Strength of Remolded Red Clay

Bin LIN,Zhuhua TIAN,Yuman CHEN

Abstract ( 561) HTML ( 4) PDF (2765 KB)( 429 )

Evaluation of Mine Rockburst Tendency Based on the Distance Discrimination Analysis

Guoyan ZHAO,Chengkai DANG,Huanxin LIU,Yang LIU,Quri XIAO,Yang LI,Liqiang CHEN,Wenjie MAO

Abstract ( 440) HTML ( 1) PDF (1815 KB)( 466 )

Numerical Simulation of Sectional Oxygen⁃Enrichment Ventilation in Plateau Mine

Hongwei DENG,Zhiming ZHONG,Guanglin TIAN

Abstract ( 470) HTML ( 2) PDF (4513 KB)( 425 )

Research on Obtaining Average Wind Speed of Roadway Based on GRU Neural Network

Liangshan SHAO,Shuangshuang WEN

Abstract ( 408) HTML ( 1) PDF (2401 KB)( 444 )

Research and Application of Digital Mining Collaborative Technology Based on JSON

Zhenghua TAN,Guotai LI,Yang WEN

Abstract ( 403) HTML ( 1) PDF (2627 KB)( 418 )

Application Status and Prospects of Computer Aided Design and Virtual Reality Technology in Mineral Processing Plant

Yuqi WANG,Gaohua ZHENG,Yuhua WANG,Dongfang LU,Xiayu ZHENG

Abstract ( 597) HTML ( 1) PDF (2804 KB)( 536 )

Orthogonal Experiment on Optimization of Filling Ratio of Full Tailings Paste

Meidao ZHANG,Yunzhang RAO,Wenfeng XU,Wentao WANG

Abstract ( 601) HTML ( 2) PDF (2605 KB)( 488 )

Effect of Silver Content on Galena Flotation and Research Progress on Its Mechanism

Guobin WANG,Zhuoyue LAN,Ruikang WANG,Qingping ZHAO,Di YANG,Boqi LI

Abstract ( 711) HTML ( 1) PDF (3513 KB)( 538 )

Study on Gold Extraction from a Carbon-bearing Fine-grained Refractory Gold Ore by Flotation Process

Tianjiao WU,Huan CAO,Fangyin NIU,Jianping JIN,Haijun WANG,Jun CHEN,Yaru WEI

Abstract ( 681) HTML ( 3) PDF (1326 KB)( 840 )