The Tieling Au-Pb deposit is located in the southwest section of the Xiong’ershan gold field.A series of Pb-Zn deposits are distributed in this area,which are strongly controlled by strata,structures and magmatic rocks,and have good metallogenic geological conditions.The geological characteristics,fluid inclusions,stable isotope geochemistry and isotopic age of many deposits in the area have been studied in detail,but the metallogenic prediction and prospecting prospect of the deposits are rarely studied.In order to guide the deep prospecting of Tieling gold deposit and point out the prospecting direction in the future,through comprehensively study of the regional geological background,geological characteristics and metallogenic regularity of the deposit,the genesis of Tieling Au-Pb deposit was discussed.And combined with the cons-truction project of the deposit,according to the known orebody in the shallow and deep thickness,grade,DTM based on MAPGIS spatial analysis function,the data were processed by discrete grid,and the thickness grade weight contour map of the orebody was drawn on the vertical projection map,and the trend prediction of the deep orebody of Pb1 and I-1 main vein was carried out.The Pb1 orebody in the area dips westward along the strike,and there is a none-ore section in the middle of line 02 to line 2.And a continuous centralized orebody,which extends laterally to the deep,with swelling phenomenon,is distributed in the west of line 0.There are two concentrated centers in the shallow part of Ⅰ-1 lead orebody,which are basically consistent with the scope of the formed goaf.There is no ore section in the shallow part and middle part of line 02 to line 4.In the west of line 8,the whole area falls to the west side along the strike,and in the west of line 4,there is swelling phenomenon.The results show that Tieling Au-Pb deposit is a medium low temperature magmatic hydrothermal Au-Pb deposit.The deep part to the west of line 0 of Pb1 lead vein,the deep part to the west of line 04 of Ⅰ-1 lead vein,and the deep part to the west of line 04 of gold vein are favorable prospecting areas in the future.
Keywords:ore-controlling factors
DTM spatial analysis
orebody prediction
deep prospecting
Tieling Au-Pb deposit
western Henan
CAI Huanhua, FENG Shaoping, GUO Chun, WANG Xiaotao, YANG Guangzhong, HUANG Lan, ZHANG Zhenghui. Geological Characteristics and Prospecting Potential Analysis of Tieling Au-Pb Deposit in Western Henan[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2022, 30(6): 866-876 doi:10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2022.06.076
Geological map of Tieling Au-Pb deposit (modified after the First Survey Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of Henan Geo-exploration and Mineral Development Bureau,2017)
Profile of Line 4 (a) and Line 0 (b) of Tieling Au-Pb deposit(modified after the First Survey Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of Henan Geo-exploration and Mineral Development Bureau,2017)
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... 本区金铅矿的形成,受地层、构造和岩浆岩的严格控制,具有良好的成矿地质条件.区内龙家园组为成矿提供了重要的部分物质来源,多期次构造活动为含矿热液提供了良好的运移通道和有利的储矿空间,岩浆热液为成矿元素的活化、迁移和富集提供热动力条件.黄铁矿的Co、Ni含量及其比值对成矿物质来源及矿床成因具有重要指示意义(Bajwah et al.,1987).周栋(2016)通过对白土金矿不同成矿阶段黄铁矿进行研究,发现其中所含的微量元素Co/Ni比值多数大于1,指示其具有明显的岩浆热液特征.豫西铁岭金铅矿床产于马超营断裂带及其与龙家园组白云岩接触部位发育的构造裂隙中,在区域挤压环境下,随着印支期和燕山期岩浆热事件的发生,地层中的金、铅发生活化,并伴随着深部含矿热液沿马超营断裂及地层裂隙上侵,在有利部位富集、沉淀成矿,最终形成中低温岩浆热液型金铅矿床. ...
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... 1.第四系—新近系;2.新元古界栾川群;3.中元古界官道口群;4.中元古界熊耳群;5.新太古界太华群;6.三叠纪正长岩;7.新太古界辉长岩;8.新太古界闪长岩;9.早白垩纪花岗岩;10.断裂;11.不整合接触面;12.背斜;13.倒转背斜Regional geological map of Xiong’ershan in Western Henan(modified after <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="R7">Feng et al.,2017</xref>)Fig.12 矿床地质特征
... 本区金铅矿的形成,受地层、构造和岩浆岩的严格控制,具有良好的成矿地质条件.区内龙家园组为成矿提供了重要的部分物质来源,多期次构造活动为含矿热液提供了良好的运移通道和有利的储矿空间,岩浆热液为成矿元素的活化、迁移和富集提供热动力条件.黄铁矿的Co、Ni含量及其比值对成矿物质来源及矿床成因具有重要指示意义(Bajwah et al.,1987).周栋(2016)通过对白土金矿不同成矿阶段黄铁矿进行研究,发现其中所含的微量元素Co/Ni比值多数大于1,指示其具有明显的岩浆热液特征.豫西铁岭金铅矿床产于马超营断裂带及其与龙家园组白云岩接触部位发育的构造裂隙中,在区域挤压环境下,随着印支期和燕山期岩浆热事件的发生,地层中的金、铅发生活化,并伴随着深部含矿热液沿马超营断裂及地层裂隙上侵,在有利部位富集、沉淀成矿,最终形成中低温岩浆热液型金铅矿床. ...