娄元林 1,2,3( ),钱建利 4( ),朱志平 5,巴永 5,杨明龙 5,杨桃 6
Application of Integrated Geophysical,Geochemical and Remote Sensing Prospecting Methods in Lajiu Area,Longzi County,Tibet
Yuanlin LOU 1,2,3( ),Jianli QIAN 4( ),Zhiping ZHU 5,Yong BA 5,Minglong YANG 5,Tao YANG 6
图7. 拉九地区激电中梯视极化率剖面平面图及等值线异常图 (a)视极化率剖面平面图;(b)视极化率等值线异常图 1.激电中梯剖面点号/线号;2.视极化率等值线及数值;3.视极化率异常及编号;4.矿化蚀变带及编号;5.极化体及编号
Fig.7. Apparent polarizability profile plane and contour anomaly diagram of induced polarization medium gradient survey in the Lajiu area