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Current Issue
2008,Vol.16,1 Date of publication:27 February 2008 Previous Issue Next Issue

Application Research on Electrogeochemical Method for Regional Exploration

KANG Meng,MA Meng-Hao

Abstract ( 1379) ( 0) PDF (758 KB)( 914 )

The Way of Part positive Crossing Matrix Separate out Factor Apply in Optimiz -ing Floatation Factor Test

XU Zhongmin, ZHUANG Yukai, LUAN Zuochun

Abstract ( 1591) ( 0) PDF (1022 KB)( 842 )

The Best Instrument Condition Researching to Mea sure the Silver Using FAAS

FENG Liang, N IE Fenglian

Abstract ( 1277) ( 0) PDF (318 KB)( 1216 )

Technology for Recovery of Longshan Gold Antimony M ine′s Low Grade Remnant Orebody with Remained Old Workings

PAN Guangming1,HU Lei, GU Xinjian

Abstract ( 1528) ( 0) PDF (227 KB)( 1075 )

The Gold Deposit Metallogeny Character istics and Foreca st in Ea stern Area of North China

HUANG J ianjun, XIAO Wenjin, GAO Junhui

Abstract ( 1719) ( 0) PDF (746 KB)( 1135 )

Analysis and Verif ication of Au Geochemica l Exploration Anomaly in Forest Landscape Area, Great Xing′an Range

CHEN Man , Zhou Dianyu , Li Dexin

Abstract ( 1455) ( 0) PDF (314 KB)( 1116 )

The Controlling Factors of Gold Deposit and the Seeking Derection in Xiaowan nanshan Area which Ha s Concentra ted Gold Deposit

WANG Qingshan

Abstract ( 1381) ( 0) PDF (1123 KB)( 836 )

Discussion on M ineralization Regularity of the Eighth Ore Body of Shuangwang Gold Deposit, Shaanx i Prov ince


Abstract ( 1475) ( 0) PDF (371 KB)( 984 )

The Electrical Characteristics and Prospecting Model of Jinchanggou CuMo Ore in Heilongjiang Prov ince

DONG Chuantong YANG Zengwu  ZHAO Qingquan

Abstract ( 1346) ( 0) PDF (1301 KB)( 1120 )

Geolog ical Features and Prospecting  Direction of Pangka imen Gold Deposit, Middle of Daxing′anling

ZHANG Zhiguo, HU J iuhai, L IU Tao

Abstract ( 1569) ( 0) PDF (329 KB)( 1058 )

Discussion On Geology and Isotope Characters of J iusangou Gold Deposit  in Wangq ing, J ilin Prov ince

ZHAO hai, CHUI xuewu, XUN lunxian

Abstract ( 1603) ( 0) PDF (539 KB)( 997 )

Geochemial Characteristics and Prospect Direction of  the Gold in Manzhanggang Area of Qinghai Prov ince

YU Dongliang

Abstract ( 1894) ( 0) PDF (122 KB)( 1760 )

The Geology Character istic ofMay inggou Stibium Deposit in Tianzhu

CHEN Shengmin

Abstract ( 1487) ( 0) PDF (204 KB)( 790 )

Thought of Concern ingM in ing Right Va lue andM in ing Right Sun of Money

XIE Guiming

Abstract ( 1232) ( 1) PDF (199 KB)( 935 )