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Current Issue
2007,Vol.15,6 Date of publication:28 December 2007 Previous Issue Next Issue

Gold Geochemical Prospecting Pattern in the Fulin Region of Daxinganling,Heilongjiang Province

CHEN Man,HANG Haijun,WANG Xianzhong,XU Lunxian

Abstract ( 1509) ( 0) PDF (209 KB)( 893 )

The Best Sign's Combination of Xiaoshiren Gold Ore-Evaluating Reseach

TIAN Yushan,XU Shan,WANG Miao,LEI Wanshan,LIU Yajian

Abstract ( 1590) ( 0) PDF (251 KB)( 989 )

Xilaokou Gold Mining Area Geology and Geophysics,Geochemistry Characteristic

QU Shaofei

Abstract ( 1600) ( 0) PDF (274 KB)( 1033 )

Discussion on the Fetures of the Eerguna M etallogetic Belt and the Metallogetic Condition of Gold,Daxinganling

SONG Bingjian,ZHAO Chunrong,WANG Xiaoyong,SUN Houfu

Abstract ( 1789) ( 0) PDF (191 KB)( 1213 )

Geological Characteristics and Ore-Searching Direction of Zhongzhuang Gold Deposits in Rushan City,Shangdong Province

DUAN Liuan,QI Jingjie,Dun Meixia

Abstract ( 1853) ( 0) PDF (226 KB)( 765 )

Geological Characteristics and Original Discussion of Eastern Reshuigou Iron Deposit in Qilian County,Qinghai

YANG Yincheng,ZHOU Jinxi,PENG Yong,SHEN Ganggang

Abstract ( 1458) ( 0) PDF (197 KB)( 937 )

The Metallogenic Characteristics and Ore Indicator of NuoHeiQian Copper Tine Deposit


Abstract ( 1533) ( 0) PDF (125 KB)( 826 )

Tunnels Job of Halalin Minning Area Practice Analysis

SUN Hu,SONG Guibin

Abstract ( 1318) ( 0) PDF (195 KB)( 869 )

Practice of Excellent Changing a Cyaniding Work's Condition to Lower Cyaniding Sodium to Consume

WANG Baosheng

Abstract ( 1600) ( 0) PDF (164 KB)( 1187 )

Application of GPS Measurement Technology in Mining Industry

CAO Xu,CHEN Xuekun

Abstract ( 1355) ( 0) PDF (195 KB)( 1192 )

Pretreatment of Au in Geoelectrical Chemical Samples(Foam)

NIE Fenglian,AI Xiaojun,LU Yanjun

Abstract ( 1490) ( 0) PDF (152 KB)( 1077 )

The Discussion of the Hoist Braking System Reform

SHENG Xiaojun

Abstract ( 1231) ( 0) PDF (126 KB)( 956 )

The Repair Process of Mainshaft Bearing Liner in Ball Mill

SHENG Xiaojun

Abstract ( 1400) ( 0) PDF (133 KB)( 820 )

Circular Cone Breaker Speeding Car Phenomenon Analysis and Countermeasure

WANG Guoli

Abstract ( 1737) ( 0) PDF (134 KB)( 774 )